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NFT - Dumb People


antonius said:
I see where your coming from Sam, my question is why does the drug problem seem to be in plague proportions these days? with no signs of it getting any better. Sure people have it tough these days, and some may turn to these outlets, but it's no different to days gone by, people had it tough then as well. I think it has a lot to do with the values people have in place these days. You ask a very good question there "Where is the love?"

you get where i'm coming from? what the? i was just making a clockwork orange joke. dont let me get in the way, this is actually quite interesting


Samwise said:
antonius said:
I see where your coming from Sam, my question is why does the drug problem seem to be in plague proportions these days? with no signs of it getting any better. Sure people have it tough these days, and some may turn to these outlets, but it's no different to days gone by, people had it tough then as well. I think it has a lot to do with the values people have in place these days. You ask a very good question there "Where is the love?"

you get where i'm coming from? what the? i was just making a clockwork orange joke. dont let me get in the way, this is actually quite interesting
I wasn't refering to your comment Samwise, but Oswins (His name is Sam!! 8) )
Oswin said:
It seems that alcohol, drug or other forms of substance abuse is the ticket to a lighter sentence. This really raises many moral questions for our society such as; why is it that people are effectively rewarded for having addictions or at least given more convenient terms in their sentences.

Gaols are no place for the faint-hearted. There are some tough people in there, and young people, even in juvenile detention centres, are subjected to harassment and forms of abuse when inside. I wouldn't wish that sort of treatment on anyone.

Perhaps, for younger criminals, there needs to be greater emphasis on prevention rather than handing out sentences at the other end. There will always be criminals, as there will always be forms of evil in this world. The challenge for people is to work out why people do what they do. Some may demand attention, others may need money for drugs, others crave acceptance and therefore will do anything to please their social crowd.

So if it is drug problems fuelling crime, then why are they taking drugs. Are they taking drugs because they are feeling depressed or is it considered cool to take drugs. Have they been abused? Are they abusing others because they themselves were abused.

There are deeper problems associated with the crimes we see on the surface. It seems convenient to label anyone who breaks the law as criminals who should be locked up. But why do they do it? Do their genes dictate who they are, what they do and what they become, or is it a result of past issues that they have never spoken about.

The Black Eyed Peas ask: "Where is the Love?". Perhaps that is the problem, perhaps we need to start getting deeper into people's problems and wading through the yuck to get to the heart of the problem - they feel lonely, depressed, unloved, abused.

It is far too convenient to label someone 'evil' without working out why that may be the case.


good dodge

:D yeah I thought.

aha, but I dont have an answer yet for how many chances does the re-offending criminal deserve.

I guess your question in a way reminds me of my only problem with capital punishment... the wrongly convicted. Whether wrongly convicted innocently( if that makes any sense ) or worse by corruption.


antonius said:
I wasn't refering to your comment Samwise, but Oswins (His name is Sam!! 8) )

That's what you get for confusing nicknames and real names Mr H. :lol:

As for the level of discussion. I've been trying to get this sort of sensible, reasoned and yet depth-finding debate for years and finally it has come.

A round of applause for all and sundry for a great start to the year of discussion.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Oswin said:
antonius said:
I wasn't refering to your comment Samwise, but Oswins (His name is Sam!! 8) )

That's what you get for confusing nicknames and real names Mr H. :lol:

As for the level of discussion. I've been trying to get this sort of sensible, reasoned and yet depth-finding debate for years and finally it has come.

A round of applause for all and sundry for a great start to the year of discussion.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

I think a lot of the credit for that must go to Les, who picked it up and put forward some debatable theories. The difference with this thread is that people have shown differing opinions and kept it on a civil basis of discussion. To often people put forward differing opinions only to be greeted with a tirade of abuse or be-liitlement. (That doesn't happen here in the Knights forum of course because we are nice people) 8)

les norton

First Grade
:oops: :oops: Shucks, guys.

It's all good, i love this kinda stuff....my family are sick to dealth of my little debates so it's good to have some where to vent. We should get some more going...i'm sure we can find a few more things we disagree about! :D


Danish Moo Cow said:
Razor, did anything come of all that NYE stuff?

I got a phone call Tuesday night from a lady who said she "found" it in her handbag. Tuesday also happened to be the day that I was told by my mobile phone company that the phone would be blocked from being able to use other SIM cards.
What about the security cameras? Did they get her, or you stuck with a useless phone now?

Samwise said:
the solution is all too simple....mind control devices.

i'm singing in the rain, just singing in the rain, what a glorious feeling......

Don't worry, I won't let your 'Clockwork Orange' reference go unnoticed.


Danish Moo Cow said:
What about the security cameras? Did they get her, or you stuck with a useless phone now?

"It's only a phone. No point looking at the security cameras for something like that"

The phone will work again in about a week, or so I was told when I unbarred it Wednesday morning.