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NFT - excuses for not doing homework


I've got heaps of homework i was supposed to do these holidays but didn't want to :lol: so I'm doing them all now, the day before i go back

When you were at school (or if you are still at school) what was your excuse when you didn't do homework.

Generally im not a lier, but I make up all these big lies about how i went away and couldn't do it, or that i forgot and "im sooooo sorry can i do it tonight". I dont call it lying - i call it acting :lol:


First Grade
:lol: I generally do it in class.
I was supose to do a press release for or ehibition and haven't done it... most people havnen't... but I have an exuse, I was away and had 2 birthdays :lol:
i always do it in class 2 :lol:
i havnt started my assigments and ive got 4 due this week :shock: :lol: 2 due 2moro, ill start....later

but if i dont do it i just say i forgot or somehting, unless its really big.


First Grade
i have plenty... because i hate homework and always leave it too the last minute

'i had to work all afternoon untill really late and i stayed up to try get it done but i was too tired'
'i left it on my desk at home'
'i brought the wrong book'
i packed for the wrong day/week'

if its an assignment ' my mum was proof reading it and forgot to put it back in my bag'
one time when i used that one on my english teacher because i had seriously forgotten to bring my assignment in she said 'thats an orignal one, ive never heard that one before' :lol: she let me bring it in the next day so it didnt matter.

another time the my geography teacher asked why my work wasnt completed and i couldnt think of any excuses so i said i just didnt do it and he said stacey, you have been very honest with me and most kids wouldve made up an excuse and for that, you can have a freddo. :lol: not doing my homework worked out to be a good move :D


ill start....later
thats the spirit :lol:
because i hate homework and always leave it too the last minute
i find its too hard to get motivated

the teachers trust me they think im all nice and innocent :twisted: :lol: how wrong they are - well about lying when homework is due anyway.

the usual scenario is

teacher: have you got your homework
me: *gasp* :shock: oh no was that due today i thought that was due tomorrow oh damn #-o im sorry can i bring it in tomorrow
them: hmm ok

:lol: god im such a lier


First Grade
i find its too hard to get motivated

yeah thats the same with me. I always say eh ill do it later and i always end up doing assignments late the night before

the teachers trust me they think im all nice and innocent
most of mine think the same about me... although i think a few of them are onto me now #-o


First Grade
" i didn't have a study period today"
" what home work, you never gave me home work"
" i am very sorry that i did not do my home work" - always works, the teachers like the students to be honest.
" i was working last night "
" i was unable to copy it off someone else "
" no really the dog ate it"
" i don't remember getting any home work.... i might body might have been here but my mind obviously wasn't" - love that one


another time the my geography teacher asked why my work wasnt completed and i couldnt think of any excuses so i said i just didnt do it and he said stacey, you have been very honest with me and most kids wouldve made up an excuse and for that, you can have a freddo.

once i was studying japanese in computers and the teacher took the book off me and i was so cranky, so when neither the teacher or myself was looking my friend went and got it off her desk and hid it. then the teacher noticed it was gone, and came over and said really crankily "where is it? i know you have it" to me, and then i said "i dont know, i haven't touched it" and then she said "i know you did" then there was silence, then my friend goes, "i have it" and gave it to her. instead of apologising to ME, she goes "thankyou. thankyou for your honesty rebecca. you are more honest than other in this class" (looks at me), writes rebecca a merit then gives me the dirtiest look ever and walks away :lol: she was the one who took it yet shes the one who gets the benefits


" no really the dog ate it"
once we had this evil sausage dog - long story - and my homework must have dropped out of my bag. it tore it up and ate some of it :lol: so mum had to call the school and say "no really, the dog did eat it" :lol:


First Grade
when i did history in year 10 i spent every class out side, the teacher really didn't like me.... she actually asked not to have me ever again. lol i was the cause for her mental break down... really i wasn't!


First Grade
once we had this evil sausage dog - long story - and my homework must have dropped out of my bag. it tore it up and ate some of it so mum had to call the school and say "no really, the dog did eat it"
:lol: :lol: :lol:
i used to have this blue cattle and as she got older she developed a fetish for paper, nothing was safe!


when i did history in year 10 i spent every class out side, the teacher really didn't like me.... she actually asked not to have me ever again. lol i was the cause for her mental break down... really i wasn't!
my aunty did some horrible things to her teacher, like the whole class pretended there was an earthquake and it was all set up and everyone had a role, like running out of the classroom screaing or shaking the desks or whatever. i think she had a nervous breakdown


First Grade
my aunty did some horrible things to her teacher, like the whole class pretended there was an earthquake and it was all set up and everyone had a role, like running out of the classroom screaing or shaking the desks or whatever. i think she had a nervous breakdown

haha thats a good one!
last year my geography teacher was away because she fractured her cheekbone or something and our class went through a different sub teacher every day. the boys in my class like to trow things at the fans such as sandwhiches, oranges, apples, cakes, basically anything and i think one of the teachers was having a mental breakdown cos they wouldnt stop at the end of the leson the classroom was a dump and we never had that teacher again... infact ive never seen her back at our school since.

another teacher was called mrs warne so everytime she spoke nearly everyone in the class would quietly chant 'warney warney' gradually getting louder then as soon as she stopped speaking everyone else stopped.
then every now and then someone would call out 'nice bowling shane'.

it was pretty lame but it was quite funny i must say :lol: