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NFT-idol who will win??


First Grade
oyes the final is on tonight it goes for 2hours i understand so if you just watch the last few mins you will find out who won!!!!!!!!!


The Vern

Thank god its almost over. Unfortunately it means one more overhyped pop singer that will sell millions of cds because they won some crappy TV competition. Stupid reality television


The Vern said:
Thank god its almost over. Unfortunately it means one more overhyped pop singer that will sell millions of cds because they won some crappy TV competition. Stupid reality television

I pretty much agree. We're getting too Americanised and UK-nised. About time we came up with some of our own ORIGINAL ideas.
Go Shannon!


Staff member
Yeah go Shannon, and funnily enough(not) now that idol is over, Popstars is coming back soon, oh goody more plastic popstars.


I can't stand Guy... just lots of things about him. And the fact that he sings crappy songs, which is probably why he won because the majority of votes would of come from teen girls who like the style of songs he sung.

The worst thing I found out last night, is that Big Brother will be back next year :evil: :evil: It rated crap this year, yet they are bringing it back... enough is enough. Oh and Aus Idol 2.... surely they found the *cough* best *cough* singer this time round.


I am glad Guy won.

Watched some of the show for the first time last night.

Shannon thinks he is Jimmy Barnes. :shock:

We have one Jimmy Barnes & one is ENOUGH. :? :(


First Grade
haha jimmys son goes to my school and came pissed to our house footy day, and his son got injured and needded to be taken away by ambulance, adn jimmy blew up telling his son that now he couldnt go to america and all this, it was great cos his sons a f**k wit, the ambos needed to ramove him from the back of the ambulance to leave :lol:


Yay! Guy won!

I supported Guy since his first audition because I remembered listening to part of his song in this Pilot Pen Competition and thought he had a lot of talent. I loved a lot of Shannon's performances, and even thought that his randition of 'Angels Brought Me Here' sounded better than Guy's. However, I think Guy would have a better recording voice and is able to cover a wider range of genres.

Yay! I just hope that he won't fade off like those 'Popstars'. This hit me when Merrick and Rosso were comparing Guy's song to the previous 'Popstars' songs...and quite frankly, this song doesn't really do his voice justice. At least that's my opinion.

Yay!! Guy won!


First Grade
Guy was by far the best singer in the competition.

I'm glad he won and I'm proud of his achievements.

Do I sound a bit biased?? Well I guess i am.

Turns out one of my mates in adelaide is one of his good mates.

I realised the other day when I was purging my old e-mails out of my inbox, when I looked at one of his old e-mails and in the ''To:" list, was Guy Sebastion's name.

Pretty cool I thought.


SydneySwan said:
I loved a lot of Shannon's performances, and even thought that his randition of 'Angels Brought Me Here' sounded better than Guy's.

do you have ears??!
angels brought me here is so much of a slow rnb/pop song and that DEFINITELY did not suit shannon who thinks he's an ex-member of cold chisel


blue and red socks said:
SydneySwan said:
I loved a lot of Shannon's performances, and even thought that his randition of 'Angels Brought Me Here' sounded better than Guy's.

do you have ears??!
angels brought me here is so much of a slow rnb/pop song and that DEFINITELY did not suit shannon who thinks he's an ex-member of cold chisel

Yes I have ears. Again, this is my personal opinion, but I thought towards the end of the song Shannon had the ability to pull off some of the notes, whereas Guy seemed to lose his voice a tad.

And about your comment on Shannon thinking he's an 'ex-member of cold chisel', is quite unnecessary. Every singer has a genre of music that they feel comfortable with, and in Shannon's case, it is a genre similar to that of Cold Chisel's. By putting forward that comment in that tone, don't you think it is quite unfair to Shannon?


First Grade
I think of Angels Brought Me Here as being kind of a soppy ballad. IMO it's not definitively R&B or pop. Shannon's voice presents emotion differently to Guy's voice, but I thought Shannon performed the song well. Not that that matters anymore...


To be entirely honest, I was not overly enthralled and captivated when Australian Idol first came, but when I saw the remarkable talent of Guy while channel-surfing back at the time when it was down to the final 8, I was much more enthusiastic towards the show. To me Guy was undoubtedly the best talent on the show, so it is reassuring that the majority of voters opted to base their votes on talent. Although, I would have liked to have seen Paulini and Guy contest the final. He is definitely unique, with a voice of an angel, and has an amazing stage presence. He is a musical talent, writes his own compositions, and furthermore is a humble and gracious person. I just hope his new management team guides him in the right direction. His album is scheduled to be released on December 8th, so he will be extremely busy from here on in.

World Idol will give Guy some free exposure to a global audience and will also give him a head start before he begins promoting himself internationally. He will be a great ambassador for Australia. Whether Guy will become an international superstar remains to be seen, but he possesses the talent, the marketability and the voice to really excel not just here, but in many other markets around the world.

You can download Guy's version of "Angels Brought Me Here" clip from the link below:


Shannon's version of "Angels Brought Me Here" clip is also available:



northey said:
thanks for thoes links

No problems Northey, although the quality is rather atrocious, but that's all I could find ;-) I was rather surprised when I came across the film clip of Shannon's version of "Angels Brought Me Here", as I was only expecting Guy's version.