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NFT - tarot, astrology and other things


First Grade
This topic may make me the target of ridicule, but I will take the risk :D

Every year for the last few years, I have either had my palm read or had a tarot reading done.

I'm not a 100% believer of this stuff - palm reading, tarot readings, clairvoyants, astrology etc - but I kind of like it. So I had a tarot reading on Saturday. I was told that:

* I'm going to go overseas
* My health will stay good
* I'll keep having passion for life
* I'm going to meet a very romantic guy
* I'll always have a substantial amount of money
* I will go into business for myself and make even more money

So everything was positive :shock: The only thing that wasn't positive was that I have to watch my spending (true!) and that I have to leanr to really believe in how gorgeous I am. Makes me kind of skeptical of the whole reading! At least at my previous reading I was told that I would be terrible at guitar! On the other hand I was told that I would meet lots of younger guys and that did turn out to be somewhat true :?

Does anyone have any thoughts on astrology etc?


"Misty" is the ideal person to answer this she's a bit of a dabbler in the mysterious.
She has "The Book Of Answers" as well as a bit of physic abilty herself.


Staff member
I'm part physic as well, so yeah i believe in it as well, my (part) physic abilities come in quite handy at the TAB :p


First Grade
Matt23 said:
I'm part physic as well, so yeah i believe in it as well, my (part) physic abilities come in quite handy at the TAB :p
Had a big win recently Matt??? :D


Staff member
Yeah, on saturday, $500 :D I also a few bucks on us to beat the Bulldogs, cos I "knew" we would win.

les norton

First Grade
Tell me a bit more about last year and if there was any truth in it? I'm a tad skeptical but not unwilling to learn more about it.
I've just found that it's very easy to generalise a point and most people can find some relevance of it to there lives


First Grade
Yeah, I understand where you're coming from les.

My memory's really bad, but my sketchy memory tells me that things I've been told by readers haven't been too far off the mark. But then... how different are people in their mid 20s anyway? :?

I've been meaning to listen to a tape that I have of last year's reading so once I've done that I'll have more of an idea of how much truth there was to it.


I wont make fun Astro, i've been doing the same thing for years. Was using the same 2 people for readings for ages both published & on radio they were both accurate but told me more about myself then my future. One even told me about my past life. My most recent reading was 5 weeks ago and this was a new chick recommended by a girl i work with, she was very accurate about myself and my future- though i had to drink this gross expresso coffee which she needed to read my cup.


First Grade
Long post warning!

les norton said:
Tell me a bit more about last year and if there was any truth in it? I'm a tad skeptical but not unwilling to learn more about it. I've just found that it's very easy to generalise a point and most people can find some relevance of it to there lives

joey007 said:
I wont make fun Astro, i've been doing the same thing for years. Was using the same 2 people for readings for ages both published & on radio they were both accurate but told me more about myself then my future.

Last night I found the tape of my reading done in May last year. It was a lot more specific than I remembered, but similar to joey007's experiences I found that while some looked to the future there was a fair bit that was about the present.

The reader's name was Vivienne and she started with numerology. Here's what she said. My thoughts in [brackets].

* I'm the kind of person who loves to have fun things to look forward to, and that they don't even need to be big trips or anything - even small stuff like dressing up for a night out. [This is true.]

* That I'm creative and love talking to people. [True, I love talking to people. Not sure how creative I am.]

* That I'm a strong person whose destiny is to do well financially and careerwise. And that I will finish with a lot of money. [I hope all this will be true!]

On to tarot...

* This year (i.e. the year just gone) I'll have a spiritual year - not necessarily religious or extreme mysterious stuff - more within myself. [Not sure on this one. This past year I've thought about what I want from life, but nothing particularly spiritual.] She also said that I would put some thought into why people behave the way they do. [This is true, I've definitely done this.] She also said I would become more emotionally mature. [If this means that I don't go through highs and lows to the extreme (the way I did when I was younger), then I guess this is true. Things don't bother me much anymore - I'm quite calm, except when I'm excited about something.]

* The year after that - I guess this would be this year that is coming up, starting now - is going to be busy careerwise. [Seems true and work is shaping up to be busy and quite demanding.] She also said that this would be a year of good saving for me. [True also, at least for the moment!]

Then she asked me to ask her some questions.

I asked whether the work I am doing now is for me...

* She said I'm very good at what I do. [Not sure about this.] That my workplace is a nice place to be, in that it's safe and comfortable. [Spot on.] That I will need more mental stimulation and will start to come up with ideas towards something more invigorating, exciting and creative. [I'll have to wait and see on this one.] In terms of leaving my current job, Vivienne told me I'm terrified about doing this and mindful of how long it's taken for me to get to this point. [Very true.] She said that the cards point very strongly towards doing something more creative and that in 12- 18 months i.e by November 2004 it's likely I'll be doing something else.

* Vivienne asked me to name two creative things I might take up. I said playing guitar and painting. She said I'd be crap at guitar. I think I got the death card! [I haven't taken up guitar, but I may do so in the future.] She said that I would find painting relaxing and calming and that I might make money from it one day. [Well, I haven't taken up painting either and can't really imagine myself being good at it. So skeptical about this one.]

My next question was about my relationships with friends and family...

* That I'm the kind of person who helps people with their problems just by listening. [Not sure about that. I often offer my opinion cautiously.] That people perceive me to be ambitious, talented and energetic. [Not really sure how others would see me.]

* The rest was stuff about specific people, which I won't go into.

Then Vivienne went on to talk about love etc...

* That I should stay true to my ideals in relation to partners.
* That I'll be drawn to younger guys who are full of ideas and are constantly starting sentences with "I'm going to...", and are fiery and enthusiastic. [Been out with several younger guys in the past year, generally kind of ambitious I guess.]

In terms of health...

* I was told to pay more attention to nutrition, diet, exercise and sleep. [I've definitely done this. Been exercising a lot more in the past year, and have a much better diet which has led to losing more than 10kg.]

So I guess the things I was told were mostly correct, but maybe a bit too general for me to lose the skepticism!!!

PS This took ages to type!!!


I have a lady friend who does jewelry reading I have a snake ring that I never take off and I gave it too her one day and she did a reading from it and too my shock she was 100% correct she writes all the flashes down that she has and gives you the letter when she has finished, she named names from the past and things I never told anyone she is a true clarevoyant [spelling] anyhoo she is GOOD, she has a lot of people who go to her lawyers doctors people like that and she doesn't charge like a wounded bull.........anyone interested! ;-)

les norton

First Grade
Firstly...Kudos to astro for writing all that down, and for having the guts to do so.

I think the biggest problem i have with it all i that i like to believe that im in charge of what happns to me, (kinda delusional).

I wasnt going to do this but have to make fun slightly....Astro, you big cradle snatcher!!! :D :lol:


First Grade
les norton said:
Firstly...Kudos to astro for writing all that down, and for having the guts to do so.
No worries. I re-read it before I posted to make sure nothing was too intensely personal and came to the conclusion that I don't mind sharing anything that I wrote. I'd been meaning to compare last year's reading with the past year of my life anyway - and so I think your question about whether there was any truth in last year's reading was quite understandable!

les norton said:
I wasnt going to do this but have to make fun slightly....Astro, you big cradle snatcher!!! :D :lol:
LOL it's all fun until a teenager approaches you, and thinks you are a teenager too... I do have my limits! :D


Annie charges $25 dollars and she does work weekends Kaz :D

She works from a little shop at Elermore Vale shopping centre if you want her phone number pm me and I'll give it to you. 8)