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NFT - The energy thread


First Grade
Boot camp - Astro's day 1

I am so sore after this! Sore elbow elbow and I can't lift my arms without feeling sore.

This is what we did:

~ Warm up jog (about 1.5km)
~ Then worked with a partner. One doing shuttle runs x6 while the other did pushups. Until we'd done a total of 60 between us (you could choose to do 80 or 100 if you wanted). Then we switched from pushups to situps x60. Then lying on the ground doing bicycle movements with our legs x60. Then two more things x60.
~ Then I put on gloves and my partner put on pads. 30 punches up high, 30 lower, 30 hooks, 30 uppercuts. Then again. Then my partner did the same.
~ Then I put on gloves again. 2 punches, then 2 pushups, 4 punches, 2 pushups, 6 punches, 2 pushups, and so on up to 30 punches, 2 pushups. My partner had to do the pushups too. Then swapped roles with my partner.
~ Gloves back on. 20 punches then I had to run up 3 flights of steps and back, while my partner did squats. Then another 20 punches, then I had to do the 3 flights of stairs, 2 stairs at a time. Then my partner and I swapped.
~ Then 10 of us lay on our tummies, with our heads forming a circle. We had to rest on our forearms and toes, while we each took turns running a lap around the outside of the circle.
~ Then some stretches.
~ Then the 1.5km jog back to where we started.

I still can't believe I got through it, but I also think I have more up my sleeve. All set to do it again on Wednesday.

What is everyone else doing, exercise-wise?

les norton

First Grade
Great thread idea Astro!!:D

Im jealous as im out of commission this week...But i love the idea of relaying what we all do every now and again. Its great to be held accountable for you exercise or lack there of. :D

BTW OMG!! Well done you psycho!!! Thats sounds really similar to what I do twice a week in my boxacise class.


First Grade
You do this twice a week... REGULARLY?

That is incredible les!

Are you injured at the moment?


First Grade
good on ya astro for exercising.
i went to yoga last night and i am so sore from it!!! lol...


Well done cath!

Reminds me of the pre-season AFL training... id take me 25mins to write it up so i wont bother but for an example of one drill we had to box straight up with 3-5kg weights for 2mins and if you stopped or dropped you had to start again.... its the WORST drill ever...

I play about an hour of footy 5 days a week, A game of waterpolo a week - then i train a bit.

les norton

First Grade
Not injured thank GOD!! I dont know what I would do.

Just an insane week. I'm really looking forward to getting my routine back.


First Grade
My enthusiasm for boot camp has waned a little. It's on again tonight, but my arms are still sore from Monday!


Go astro. Far out.
Mine consists of getting up at 5:45am twice a week for a 7am cricket training. Tuesdays is 1 hr and Wednesdays are 2hrs-ish. Games are on saturday mornings at 8am. I try to go for runs once or twice a week....if i can be bothered.


hahaha, nuh, i admire you greatly....your in boot camp. Reading that made me more tired.


First Grade
Just finished another session about half an hour ago. We did a fitness test today. I'd better get better results in 8 weeks time!!! :D


I HAVE to start up with the exercise stuff again!!!

Great thread Cathy! Your boot camp sounds like too much effort for me! I really admire your effort!!!

I used to ice-skate, but I haven't done any form of exercise other than the occassional walk etc for over a year!!! Need to get the motivation to get my butt to the gym!

les norton

First Grade
Yay me for speaking too soon....Im injured.
Im out for 2 weeks, then i fly to darwin to be spolit by my mum for 2 weeks. I had to suspend my gym membership for a month.:(

Its going to kill me to get back into it. My mum is doing all this deep water running...swimming ect, maybe the ankle will be able to put up with that.


First Grade
Oh no, hope you recover soon les. And have fun in Darwin!

Did you get to the gym Skye? I'm going to go tonight. Pretty tragic given that it's Friday night, but I don't think I'll have much time on the weekend...

I'm finding the hardest thing is to complement exercise by watching what I eat. I love food so much. So far, so good today though! Soy linseed toast, skim latte, and minestrone :D

les norton

First Grade
food is def my biggest hurdle.

I love food and would much rather head to gym 6 x a week instead of 5 if iit means I can eat what I want.

I love carbs, any carbs...all carbs. chips, bread, pasta. They are wonderful :D


Cathy, I wont be going to a gym until I can afford it (which wont be until summer I suspect) :( But we have an aerofit here, a fit ball and I can do the basics here at home... think you guys have given me the motivation to do some tonight!

Les... Carbs are my problem too! I could live on carbs and carbs alone!! Bread, potato, pasta!!! Not so good about your ankle injury! Swimming etc may be good for it though, so hopefully you can do some water exercises. Hope it doesn't alter your routine too much, I know how hard it is to get back into it (a year of no gym for me is a great example :( )
well on monday i went raft building - where we had to build rafts and race to the next shore thingy, but my raft broke :(
on tuesday - i did a ropes course and a cookout...
on Wednesday - i did canoeing and archery
On Thursday - i did the alpine walk which is 13.5 ks but thankfully i only had to do about 5.. lol (cause it was raining and i didnt have waterproof pants/jacket)
and on friday...well....i went for a walk cause i felt sick

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