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No Bulldogs to be charged ?


Eskimo Sharkie said:
Even if no charges are laid, she can still go the civil route and sue for damages. The burden of proof is a lot less onerous there. This thing is far from over.

On the balance of probabilites, the alledged victim may not sue the club on a matter whereas they have been cleared under the eyes of the law as it would be quite pointless in doing so. The magistrates decision would effectively place a ruling on whether The Bulldogs were guilty or not, so a case under a civil system would not be a viable option.


1_CRUSADER2 said:
No, you would be refering to a newspaper article which was given to the journalist by a disgruntled former player who was SACKED by the club due to his many run ins with the police...

That may be so in this instance but what world are you living in Dett? This is something that goes on in sport period :roll:
Where do you think the expression 'What goes on tour, stays on tour' comes from?

And what would you charge the alledged victim with?

Cat imo it is defamation of character but I don't know, I'm not a lawyer. Jeez you guys, talk about denial! I'm prepared to accept that the chick may be lying, can't you guys accept that someone is likely guilty of misconduct?

I am in no way in denial or at any biast on this case due to my stance towards The Bulldogs. I'm more involved than you may think but the fact is defamation of character is NOT a criminal offense and is a matter the Bulldogs would have to take up with the courts over the alledged victim. I will be VERY surprised if at least one player is not sacked by the club for gross misconduct. However, it is seemingly unlikely that Nicholas Cowdery will recommended that charges be laid due to insufficient evidence.


First Grade
Just a thought on the pay out, who offered the option of a pay out to who :?
So there may not be enough evidence to charge them, that doesn't prove innocence or guilt either way :roll:


No, but we assume innocence.

I think that some people are rushing a little hard to criticise the woman because I am assuming her innocent of making it up as well.

Presumption of innocence cuts both ways.


Glenn said:
Just a thought on the pay out, who offered the option of a pay out to who :?
So there may not be enough evidence to charge them, that doesn't prove innocence or guilt either way :roll:

That is correct. But under the eyes of the law, they are innocent until there is sufficient evidence to prove guilt.

The pay off was that an anonymous woman approached Bulldogs' management and said that if they paid her $25,000, she would subsequently make the matter "go away". The Bulldogs reported this to Strike Force McGuigon right after they were offered this way out.


First Grade
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Charges unlikely, detectives tell players
By Jacquelin Magnay and Les Kennedy
April 27, 2004

Bulldogs players have been told there is a 95 per cent chance they will be cleared of gang rape allegations made against them by a 20-year-old Coffs Harbour woman.

The players were told this three weeks ago by Strike Force McGuigon detectives.

The Canterbury rugby league club believes the players' version of events has been in part corroborated by two employees at the Pacific Bay Resort.

The Director of Public Prosecutions is due to give a directive in the next few days after the 10-week investigation.

Prominent Bulldog player Willie Mason told FOX Sports yesterday that "our consciences are clear" and that it had "been a big media thing".

The Herald has been told Bulldogs players insist there were just three players in the pool area at the time of the alleged assault and that the woman was having consensual sex with one player.

The other two were lying on sun lounges and have claimed they were aware of what was going on but did not participate.

A garbage collector and pool cleaner have told the club they witnessed a woman having what appeared to be oral sex in the pool in the early hours of February 22. One player has told police he had consensual sex with the woman.

The woman, who was taken to Coffs Harbour base hospital later that morning, claimed she had been raped by up to six players.

However some players were told by detectives earlier this month there was very little chance of charges being laid.

The club's chairman, George Peponis, and new chief executive, Malcolm Noad, have expressed hope and confidence the matter may end soon without charges.

Dr Peponis said yesterday he would not rest until the DPP decision was handed down. He foreshadowed legal action against some media outlets, saying the club had lost more than $1.3 million in sponsorships.

"For two months in a row we have copped a lot of flak, and some of it is unjustified," he said.

The club board has yet to formally question players about their behaviour in Coffs Harbour but will do so once the police investigation is completed.

"Only then can we work out what happened and take action," Dr Peponis said.

Meanwhile, the Director of Public Prosecutions, Nicholas Cowdery, QC, is expected to advise police by the end of the week whether there is sufficient evidence to prosecute any players.

But police said yesterday they had nothing to indicate when Mr Cowdery would do so.

The commander of Strike Force McGuigon, Detective Chief Inspector Jason Breton, would not comment about the two new witnesses beleived to have come forward to dispute aspects of the victims' account.

It is understood the DPP will inform the victim - before the police - whether it intends to proceed with charges or abandon the case.

This story was found at: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2004/04/26/1082831502127.html


Of course Jason Breton won't comment on the two witnesses, but they are not "new", the Media need to understand that they came forward originally.


The club board has yet to formally question players about their behaviour in Coffs Harbour but will do so once the police investigation is completed.

It will be interesting to see if any players will be sacked over this. :?

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