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No help for West Indies RL


the nrl should help them we should grow rugby league around the world
the league world cup will be a joke
Australia will easily win it

Perth Red

Post Whore
Each developed country ie NZ,OZ, France&UK should adopt a developing country or two and help them get the game established. Int RL is going nowhere with the current systems we have.


First Grade
Didn't we all read some where that the Windies RL got given $2 million by there sponsor the insurance outfit or was that all crap?

For what it's worth i'd love to throw $100k at every developing nation but we don't have that money in our game. However surely we could find $20000 plus footballs, playing gear and coaching help?


You show a short clip in Australia and England on the footy show or something. Do it as a sponsorship. You contribute $200 and you get a Jamaican RL teashirt or West Indies, a certificate, updated info via email and maybe a few other things.
Market it as helping RL or a lesser country to the World Cup for 2008. Ride off the back of cool runnings or something. Make it the same. You will win the hearts of people.
$200 x 100 people(very realistic) is $20,000. Thats half of the tour money already. Realisticly I think you could get 500 people just in Australia. I bought a West Indies RL jersey. I love it. The amount of comments I get about it are great.

What do you think??? We need to work smarter not harder. We can't always ask for handouts and give nothing in return.


whatsdoing1982 said:
You show a short clip in Australia and England on the footy show or something. Do it as a sponsorship. You contribute $200 and you get a Jamaican RL teashirt or West Indies, a certificate, updated info via email and maybe a few other things.
Market it as helping RL or a lesser country to the World Cup for 2008. Ride off the back of cool runnings or something. Make it the same. You will win the hearts of people.
$200 x 100 people(very realistic) is $20,000. Thats half of the tour money already. Realisticly I think you could get 500 people just in Australia. I bought a West Indies RL jersey. I love it. The amount of comments I get about it are great.

What do you think??? We need to work smarter not harder. We can't always ask for handouts and give nothing in return.

I wonder how rugby union does it?


Sam_the_man said:
Didn't we all read some where that the Windies RL got given $2 million by there sponsor the insurance outfit or was that all crap?

For what it's worth i'd love to throw $100k at every developing nation but we don't have that money in our game. However surely we could find $20000 plus footballs, playing gear and coaching help?

That was in the local currency. I think it came to about $30K AUD.

BTW, why was this moved?
For the price of paying an NRL video referee for a year to do a crap job the NRL could have flown the Windies to and from the USA and covered the cost of a potential trip to England and/or Australia. That's where the game's priorities lie currently. They spend a motza on ridiculous things like video referees, booking Billy Idol and the like and for what? They don't add anything to the game. Meanwhile we have people struggling at the grassroots level right around the world, trying to make rugby league a stronger sport. That includes people at the grassroots in Australia too.

Kurt Angle

First Grade
Woods99 said:
I wonder how rugby union does it?

There is still untold millions missing as nazi loot plundered in WWII.

I think that pretty much explains it considering RU's past acquaintances.


One positive has to be that japan is making the trip ,surely they need to be supported with a few home internationals or touring teams.look at the publicity and attention south africa gets when the afl visits,with the rfl covering europe surely it has to be up to australia to do something in sa/jap,

deluded pom?

I can see where Kurt is coming from . The WC qualifiers have not been thought through very well . There is far too much expense involved for a fledgling nation . Maybe a rule should be put into place whereby a nation has to have a set number of completed seasons behind them before any major funding becomes available . This may seem harsh but would at least send a message out that fly by night organisations need not apply . Transparency also has to be evident . There's no way a country like SA , who seem to descend into total secrecy every few years and suddenly spring to life when a WC is on the horizon , should get priority over a team like Holland who are open and honest about their efforts . I'm sure it could easily be arranged for things like balls , post pads , kits etc. to be donated to developing countries . Didn't Tas Baiteri do this sort of thing ?

Der Kaiser

Couple of things:

Why should the NRL support the International game? There is no reason as they are responsible for the Professional game in Australia. Its upto the RLIF and RLEF to do it but there is a problem-Both dont have much money.

Why should the RLIF and the RLEF help West Indies and not Holland, Serbia, Russia, Japan, USA, Germany, Estonia, Tonga, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Fiji , Ireland, Scotland etc etc. We all get a very mall amount of cash and a couple of balls and much practical advice, training manuals etc. Its sh*t but thats life with development Rugby League

I can understand the frustration and the disappointment from the West Indies but sadly life is such. Fortunately Germany is in a better financial situation so we look to do Various fundraisers-it brings in around €200 every 2 months or so when we plan things-next up is a Fundraising night in Munich on this Friday Evening-the eve of Munich Oktoberfest at Killians by the Frauenkirche , Munich. Throughout the year its more than the money we get from the RLEF. Its not anybodies fault and to be honest it is a good way to make us more self sufficient and look to not rely on others. We have had alot of help from Celtic Crusaders who have kindly hosted Uwe Jansen (German National Trainer)the past week, We get a monthly Coaching Email from the RLF in the United Kingdom. Tas Baitieri from the ARL has sent a couple of things that we have raffled off. The RLEF have payed Hotel Bills to help us get to Euro Meetings.

Its not easy developing the game and sometimes you feel alone but the problem there is not much money to invest in developing the game all around the world. The game is a victim of its own success in many ways as tzhere isnt possible to give money out just like that and the resources at the RLEF, RFL, ARL etc are pushed to the limit as it is.The RFL have been out to Jamaica on Coaching Courses and the RLEF have sent people to Serbia, Germany, Estonia, Czech Republic etc but there is only so much they can do again because of finances and resources.

Its not realistic to expect even the RFL or French or the ARL to adopt a nation or two-they dont have the money or resources to do this and it may cause some nations to feel others are getting more help than others etc etc.


First Grade
One thing struck me there Der Kaiser.

Rugby league - Why should we.
Rugby union - why SHOULDN'T we.

It's 40 to 50 years of why should we that have landed us in the position were in now with union running ramant on the internation stage and league playing catch up. It's worth noting that about the time we (league) were saying why should we that union was saying why shouldn't we....look at there game now, twice the number of geniune world powers and twice the number of developing nations. Now fair enough unions tactics haven't always been fair and in a few cases there conduct has been shamful and unethical but it's worked....with union when a developing nation needs money now it gets it. We don't have unions money but we still generate enough money in our game to be doing something for OUR developing nations. Why can't we levi a international fee against all clubs in Australia, New
Zealand, Great Britiain, PNG, France of 5% of there player funds, so if a club spends $50,000 on players for a season then the fee would be $2500. Add this to the already established fund that the international fereration is using and also the european federation from internation matches and your startin to talk good money for the developing international game.Hell it doesn't even have to be 5%, or could be 2%.
Or are we going to all sit back and watch another Samoan rugby league debackle happen time and again????
Theres a rugby league nation that went from 50+ clubs pre 2000 world cup and in good health to now have just 12 clubs and on the verge of folding at the end of each seaon due to a lack of funds, while there union counterparts get help all the time.
Food for thought maybe?


Sam_the_man said:
One thing struck me there Der Kaiser.

Rugby league - Why should we.
Rugby union - why SHOULDN'T we.

It's 40 to 50 years of why should we that have landed us in the position were in now with union running ramant on the internation stage and league playing catch up. It's worth noting that about the time we (league) were saying why should we that union was saying why shouldn't we....look at there game now, twice the number of geniune world powers and twice the number of developing nations. Now fair enough unions tactics haven't always been fair and in a few cases there conduct has been shamful and unethical but it's worked....with union when a developing nation needs money now it gets it. We don't have unions money but we still generate enough money in our game to be doing something for OUR developing nations. Why can't we levi a international fee against all clubs in Australia, New
Zealand, Great Britiain, PNG, France of 5% of there player funds, so if a club spends $50,000 on players for a season then the fee would be $2500. Add this to the already established fund that the international fereration is using and also the european federation from internation matches and your startin to talk good money for the developing international game.Hell it doesn't even have to be 5%, or could be 2%.
Or are we going to all sit back and watch another Samoan rugby league debackle happen time and again????
Theres a rugby league nation that went from 50+ clubs pre 2000 world cup and in good health to now have just 12 clubs and on the verge of folding at the end of each seaon due to a lack of funds, while there union counterparts get help all the time.
Food for thought maybe?

Sam, there is no money mate!

Why would clubs support a levy that exposes their athletes to more footy and potential injuries?
Why would the NRL pass funding on to absolute f**kheads like Love and Carr when they are unbelivably incompetant. There are two pricks who;

* Don't have a website up and running for the 2008 wc
* Don't know what to do with the Russia V Georgia game that was suspended.'
* Include two countries into the Qualifying system without due diligence or any communication as to who was going to be funding what.
* Will not put pressure on clubs to allow their rep players to appear in tournaments
* Are still unaware of how successful the Tri Nations is going to be becuase they haven't run anything for a while but Cricket, Soccer and the RUWC03 were successful then.
* Allowed an absolute hoax to accept an award on behalf of a Hall of fame inductee because he had some scrap books of the inductee.
* Allowed the World 7's to disappear becuase Trent Barrett got hurt and Steve Folkes flatley refused to send players to it.
* Thanked Phillips as major sponsors to 35000 people when Sony PSP had taken over the sponsorship 12 months earlier.
* Forgot to invoice Mark Bouris for 2 years worth of SOO Sponsorship a couple of years back

There are plenty more incedents where these two inept cretins have soiled the game, but I can't be bothered

Why would the NRL give these two clowns money to throw away?? Why?

The sooner the ARL f**king steps aside and gives the NRL the charter to drive the international game is when we will see things come to fruition.

Any time something is mentioned that needs to be done Love says..no no leave it I will get it done. He is protecting his power investment in the game, when he has neither the time and definately not the expertise to run and International Sport. Same with Carr the tool.

The RLIF cannot be run by the Chairman of the NSWRL...it is ridiculous.


First Grade
Perhapes all you say is true but the English have really got there stuff together and are driving the international program through brilliantly, can we not channel money to them if we have any?


Lantana said:
Sam, there is no money mate!

Why would clubs support a levy that exposes their athletes to more footy and potential injuries?
Why would the NRL pass funding on to absolute f**kheads like Love and Carr when they are unbelivably incompetant. There are two pricks who;

* Don't have a website up and running for the 2008 wc
* Don't know what to do with the Russia V Georgia game that was suspended.'
* Include two countries into the Qualifying system without due diligence or any communication as to who was going to be funding what.
* Will not put pressure on clubs to allow their rep players to appear in tournaments
* Are still unaware of how successful the Tri Nations is going to be becuase they haven't run anything for a while but Cricket, Soccer and the RUWC03 were successful then.
* Allowed an absolute hoax to accept an award on behalf of a Hall of fame inductee because he had some scrap books of the inductee.
* Allowed the World 7's to disappear becuase Trent Barrett got hurt and Steve Folkes flatley refused to send players to it.
* Thanked Phillips as major sponsors to 35000 people when Sony PSP had taken over the sponsorship 12 months earlier.
* Forgot to invoice Mark Bouris for 2 years worth of SOO Sponsorship a couple of years back

There are plenty more incedents where these two inept cretins have soiled the game, but I can't be bothered

Why would the NRL give these two clowns money to throw away?? Why?

The sooner the ARL f**king steps aside and gives the NRL the charter to drive the international game is when we will see things come to fruition.

Any time something is mentioned that needs to be done Love says..no no leave it I will get it done. He is protecting his power investment in the game, when he has neither the time and definately not the expertise to run and International Sport. Same with Carr the tool.

The RLIF cannot be run by the Chairman of the NSWRL...it is ridiculous.

Man, seeing some of those incidents on your list is incredible....thanking Philips not Sony.....forgetting to invoice someone?!

I knew they were antiquated dinosaurs but can they be that bad?

What can possibly be done to break Australian, or ARL, hegemony over the RLIF? A sudden sense of self-evaluation in Sydney perhaps, is that likely to happen?

Even if countries engineered a boradroom revolution and Love got voted out of his position, if the ARL didn't like what had happened they'd screw the RLIF and the game just to get their own way I would bet.


In Jamaica, you dont have 100 guys running aroung throwing a football on saturdays for 1 year and asking for US $100000.00 to run a competition, please, let's not be ludicrous. You have five teams, three of which are based in communities and two teams that involve the Jamaican Defene Force (the army) and the Jamaica constabulary (the police) who play with ride and passion week in week out, trying to spread the gospel of league to a nation.
When one considers that the Rugby Union has been in Jamaica for over forty years and can only field 6 or 7 genuine 15-a-side teams, one ought to see the potential for league which has forged 5 teams in 2 years. Rugby union is played in about 25-30 high schools and about 20 primary schools. The Local rugby union body recieves assistance from the International Rugby Board (35000.00 pound last year) and that is how they have maintained and funded their presence in the schools. The league has no such money and that's one reason the youth clubs are being targeted. One has to realise that Jamaica's population is only about 3 million people. Yet we have a soccer team that went to the Soccer World Cup, players in the English premier league (got to play against England too this year), numerous Olympic champions and world beaters in sprinting (Merlene Ottey,Veronica Campbell, Herb Mckenley and Asafa Powell etc.), a Bobsleigh team that beat the USA in the Winter Olympics, World Champion Boxers and the list of excelllent atheletes go on and on. My point is, for a country with a small population we excell at most sports we compete in, all we need is a chance to compete.
I do not get from Paul's (Morris) comment that we are asking any one for US$100000.00, his point is that not being able to compete at the West Indies level to be in the world cup is massively dissapointing for a sport that can potentially take off in a big way in the Caribbean if given the right kind of boost.
Mr "Kurt Angle"- I give up my Thursday nights to coach a bunch of young men Rugby league, they break their hands, legs, get bloody noses, concussions and bruises just like any kid in Australia, England or Papua New Guinea. They play if 1 spectator is cheering them on or 100. They train without tackle shields, bags or other fancy equipments, they train with two balls, they train and play because they believe the sport they play is the greatest game. They watch the one DVD of rugby league we have in our possession (Tigers vs Cowboys finals last year or yera before) over and over again because thats the only match we have of some of the best players playing in the world.They deal with the ridicule of some people who say why not take up soccer since they can get contracts to play professionally abroad instead of bashing your bodies. They spend hours trying to convert friends and familes who have never seen a game of Rugby Union or League on television and take them to watch our games. They cried last season when they lost the premiership finals to a rival club (Vauxhall Vultures). They voted almost unanamously to stop playing Rugby Union and concentrate on playing league. By doing some have given up the chance to go on National Tours with the Union Boys overseas. They,no no, we do it, because we love the sport and want to see it grow and become sustainable.
Like any other sport, when the national or regional team play against other nations, it lifts the profile of the sport locally and secures new fans, supporters and sponsors. All the people who have grown to love Rugby League on this small island were hoping that the world cup qualifiers would have helped the sport in this way, and I think we all share the same level of dissapointment.

Duhaney Park Rugby Football Club


Sam_the_man said:
Didn't we all read some where that the Windies RL got given $2 million by there sponsor the insurance outfit or was that all crap?

For what it's worth i'd love to throw $100k at every developing nation but we don't have that money in our game. However surely we could find $20000 plus footballs, playing gear and coaching help?

The JRLA's major corporate partner agreed to 4 million jamaican dollars over 4 years (US$64,000).The majority of which is in "kind" , meaning, the personal accident insurance coverage that the company sponsors the league, flying in the British Trainers etc. The actual cash sponsorship to the league is approximately $500,000 J'can (US$8000.00) a year.

We are grateful for all the international support and good wishes offered by League lovers from around the world.However, Paul's comment is about the West Indies not being able to go to the USA to play in the qualifiers, please do not miss the point!!

Duhaney Park Sharks