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No Sequel?


TinghaExpress said:
Ok ive had it with all this speculation and rumours which have been around for a little over a month now. I went to EB games a couple of months ago and they said there was a very good chance of RL 2 as u all know i posted it. I went to 2 EB Games shops in the past week and both have said they had comformation from the producers in the past 2 weeks that there will be a Rugby League 2 which will come out Sept-Dec. (Based on Last version im thinking more like Dec-Jan). Mario could u please clear up all this sh*t and tell us wat date you will announce wether there will be a RL2 produced by Sidhe. If there isnt a going to be a RL2 produced by Sidhe why the hell are you on 2 RL gaming forums posting.???? I think we can at least know when youll be announcing games youll bring out. EA announced they were maing Rugby (Yawnion) 2005 before they had even started on the game. I dont see the problem in telling fans wether there will be a RL2 when EB Games tell us there will be and they have received confirmation from the producers. Did u really think theyd keep it a secret???? If they can tell us, why cant the people who are making the game tell us. If u arent telling us so u can have a big announcement later in the month what makes u think if u let us know in advance that we are going to go to all RL fans in the world and tell them there is a RL2. There arent many people on this forum anymore. Is all im really asking is can u give us a date on something. Can it be in relation to RL2 plz.

I have already stated on multiple occasions (and in multiple forums) that I am hoping to have news regarding possible sequel to Rugby League this month.

As soon as there is news, you guys will be amongst the first to know.


I am not intending this post to offend u in any way mario!! If i have sorry but a lot of people want to know wats happening on the producers side of things.

What a long winded bunch of crap to make one point.

Have a :cry: bro
Mate if u havent noticed alot of people want answers. Your just some dickhead who sits in front of ur computer all day looking at the LU forums. Bro get off ur fat ass and go see a movie or something. The imput u make on the forums is just a load crap so if ur not happy find a forum for people that have nothin better to do with there lives than be on forums. U mite find some1 that listens to ur worthless comments there.


First Grade
TinghaExpress said:
I am not intending this post to offend u in any way mario!! If i have sorry but a lot of people want to know wats happening on the producers side of things.

What a long winded bunch of crap to make one point.

Have a :cry: bro
Mate if u havent noticed alot of people want answers. Your just some dickhead who sits in front of ur computer all day looking at the LU forums. Bro get off ur fat ass and go see a movie or something. The imput u make on the forums is just a load crap so if ur not happy find a forum for people that have nothin better to do with there lives than be on forums. U mite find some1 that listens to ur worthless comments there.

so let me get this straight..you want him to get up..go to the movies and sit back down again? :roll: if you consider going to a movie a day out ur kinda boring..

ur up there with some of the dumbest people to grace these forums...how in ur right mind can you believe some employee at EB or any game shop about production of games?

EB and etc are retailers..they sell games that are sent to them..EB doesnt talk to game developers all they do is wait for sony/microsoft to inform them of shipments..the release days are either speculation or there advertised by the game companies.

so for the 100th time...EB know jack.

As Mario mentioned..when his allowed to release information he will..stop asking the same god damn questions over and over..his not going to think "what the hell..i could get sued but whatever..these guys need to know"..

The more i re-read ur post the more i laugh.. if i was behind the counter i could probably convince you to buy Madden 92 and claim it can work on ur ps2 with better graphics then halo 2.


I cant believe some of you people expect professionally run business's to change their whole marketing strategy and any kind of announcements / press releases because you are pissed off with waiting.

FFS get a grip on life will you and give a bit of support to a company that CLEARLY tried to make the best RL game possible in the time they were allowed. :roll:


knowsleyroader said:
I cant believe some of you people expect professionally run business's to change their whole marketing strategy and any kind of announcements / press releases because you are pissed off with waiting.

FFS get a grip on life will you and give a bit of support to a company that CLEARLY tried to make the best RL game possible in the time they were allowed. :roll:

Finally someone is talking some sence.

The impatence in this forum is mind-boggling! Acting like a bunch of spoiled brats I tell 'ya!


if i was behind the counter i could probably convince you to buy Madden 92 and claim it can work on ur ps2 with better graphics then halo 2.
EA year in year out release updated versions of there game..madden has barely improved over a 4 year span in fact 2003 is probably the best version of madden and thats not good considering how easy it was to pass

Mate get over Madden. Ur obsessed with that game. We dont want to hear ur gibrish about this game. This topic is about a possible Rugby League sequal and in every 1 of ur posts uve mentioned Madden.

if i was behind the counter i could probably convince you to buy Madden 92 and claim it can work on ur ps2 with better graphics then halo 2.

What do u think ur funny or something. I dont like Madden or Halo 2 u dickhead. Plus Halo 2 is a shit game. All u do on here is suck up to the producers of games, what do u think Mario is going to send a copy of RL2 for free one day before the release date or something??? Seriously what is ur problem 2 people on this forum make a statement about Sidhe compared to EA and u think u should step in for Mario and say

you are without a doubt the dumbest guy ive seen post here...
ur up there with some of the dumbest people to grace these forums

good call mate :roll: :roll: :roll:


I cant believe some of you people expect professionally run business's to change their whole marketing strategy and any kind of announcements / press releases because you are pissed off with waiting.

FFS get a grip on life will you and give a bit of support to a company that CLEARLY tried to make the best RL game possible in the time they were allowed.

Well if that first game was what we got when they tried, I shudder to think what it would be like if they didn't try.


First Grade
TinghaExpress said:
if i was behind the counter i could probably convince you to buy Madden 92 and claim it can work on ur ps2 with better graphics then halo 2.
EA year in year out release updated versions of there game..madden has barely improved over a 4 year span in fact 2003 is probably the best version of madden and thats not good considering how easy it was to pass

Mate get over Madden. Ur obsessed with that game. We dont want to hear ur gibrish about this game. This topic is about a possible Rugby League sequal and in every 1 of ur posts uve mentioned Madden.

if i was behind the counter i could probably convince you to buy Madden 92 and claim it can work on ur ps2 with better graphics then halo 2.

What do u think ur funny or something. I dont like Madden or Halo 2 u dickhead. Plus Halo 2 is a sh*t game. All u do on here is suck up to the producers of games, what do u think Mario is going to send a copy of RL2 for free one day before the release date or something??? Seriously what is ur problem 2 people on this forum make a statement about Sidhe compared to EA and u think u should step in for Mario and say

you are without a doubt the dumbest guy ive seen post here...
ur up there with some of the dumbest people to grace these forums

good call mate :roll: :roll: :roll:


i was one of the first people to complain about the nrl game..i dont need to suck up considering i rarely post on the gamming forum...

Well you claim ea is the better company for a league game..EA's number 1 game is madden..and its so damn flawed..im only talking about madden cause its a high profile game of theirs.

Just cause you swear in ur post it doesnt make you right, i know nothing about your gamming preferences, so rather then make a come back at how i said i could sell you madden and etc look at that line and take it as an example.

I aint stepping in here to help mario...i just find it weird that people here want the guys that created Rugby to create a league game...did you even play rugby 2004?


sunny said:
I cant believe some of you people expect professionally run business's to change their whole marketing strategy and any kind of announcements / press releases because you are pissed off with waiting.

FFS get a grip on life will you and give a bit of support to a company that CLEARLY tried to make the best RL game possible in the time they were allowed.

Well if that first game was what we got when they tried, I shudder to think what it would be like if they didn't try.


RL is the most solid sports game ive played in a long time (besides the PES series)

The bitching that goes on with you freaks is simply laughable. Mario and Sidhe have done everything they can to keep us informed. The amount of bullshit they have endured throughout the last 2 years would be enough for any developer to just say 'f*ck it'. Hell, Gabe Newell hasnt even been tormented as much as Mario for a 'release date'.


I doubt I would even buy a league game if EA made it!!! as said before EA use many diffrent development teams and rest assure if they made a league game we would get all the work experiance geniuss making it.

SIDHE AND Mario and HES rock!!!! that first attempt was Amazing IMO Pure fun ii still play it more than any other sport game, imagine what level of play they could achieve in the next couple of istalments. The seecond game will be 1oo% better thant the first and the franchise will continue to grow under the compentent control of sidhe. We will get a sequal so every impatient whiner who is jumping on the EA band wagon buck up cos u don't know how good we got it.


Post Whore
I dont care who makes it, be it Sidhe, EA or joe bloggs down the road who's step mother is a mentally unstable gimp s**t whom TingaExpress uses on a nightly basis.

As long as there is another one made and mass improvements are made


First Grade
Raider_69 said:
I dont care who makes it, be it Sidhe, EA or joe bloggs down the road who's step mother is a mentally unstable gimp s**t whom TingaExpress uses on a nightly basis.

As long as there is another one made and mass improvements are made


ive been laughing at that for about 10mins.

Oh and haha ESPN NFL = Dead.

Who killed what now?

EA knew sega would beat them within 2 years..so rather then take em on head to head and try to win back the gamers they opted to just pay bucket loads to secure the NFL exclusive license.

EA tried to buy out the NBA exclusive license also..but the NBA declined saying that neither ea or sega has a strangle hold on the market and would rather sell there rights to whoever can create the better game.

The only way madden will be beat espn is if they release a game better then espn 2k5..somehow i doubt they will knowing there the only nfl sim out.

Sega lost the rights but they could still create a Football league game...espcially seeing as how pes went without licenses to become the best soccer sim.


Mario, can you make an overall comment in relation to sales for the first version? I thought they were quite strong

Overall, i've played the game a bit more recently, and although it has bugs, i think it has a high level of playablility. A lot more than ARL 96!!


Moffo said:
Mario, can you make an overall comment in relation to sales for the first version? I thought they were quite strong

Sales of Rugby League were strong, although I am not able to quote unit numbers.

Overall, i've played the game a bit more recently, and although it has bugs, i think it has a high level of playablility. A lot more than ARL 96!!



Mario said:
Moffo said:
Mario, can you make an overall comment in relation to sales for the first version? I thought they were quite strong

Sales of Rugby League were strong, although I am not able to quote unit numbers.

Overall, i've played the game a bit more recently, and although it has bugs, i think it has a high level of playablility. A lot more than ARL 96!!


it's mid january now mario... You have but 2 weeks to release an official statement in regard to Rugby League 2, if you do not, we will have to release the jade monkey!