I’m struggling to find a comparison. What would it look like “the other way around” ? Like when Margaret Court said...
Far from modifying her denouncement of gay marriage, tennis champion Margaret Court has broadened it, saying that it was causing huge problems in countries where it was legalised, that homosexuality was an ungodly "lust for the flesh" and that LGBT tendencies in young people were "all the devil".
"That's what Hitler did. That's what communism did," Court said, "get in the minds of the children. There's a whole plot in our nation and in the nations of the world to get in the minds of the children."
If you are trying to say that regular people don’t give religion respect, I would suggest to you that most people happily give factions of religion respect. The Salvos and Buddhists would have huge respect. Catholics for example, not so much. Respect is hard earned and easily eroded.