They lived with more purpose
They lived at a time where they could go straight out of highschool into a job that allowed them to buy a house and start a family by age 30. They didn't need to go through four years of uni. They didn't need five years experience for entry level jobs. They didn't NEED to work themselves half to death just to stay afloat.
They are also responsible for many of the problems the generations since face....they didn't live with purpose, they lived with far fewer responsibilities and they took far less responsibility as a result.
Bloke I worked with bought a house in an inner-south suburb of Canberra back in the day for basically two years wages. He recently sold it for $1.6 million. If you're an APS 4 in the public service (the level most graduates start at or near), earning roughly 65k a year, that's TWENTY FIVE YEARS wages.
The place across the road from me went for 550k (8 years wages for an APS 4) for a three bedroom ex-guvvy the size of a shack. They knocked it down, spent another 400k plus (another 6 years wages) building an actual decent house.
Yet you've got douchebag boomers telling millenials "just stop buying cups of coffee and you can save for a house!"
They are, as a generation, some of the most full of shit people remaining on the planet...