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Non Footy Chat Thread II


Staff member
Lol at Donald Trump calling Kim Jong Un Rocket Man at the UN today. I reckon it was a very Aussie thing to do.

I'd like to think that if Paul Hogan was our PM, he would have done the same.

Gary Gutful

Post Whore
Tony Abbott is getting saturation press right now and has ramped up his Climate Change hoax rhetoric. Today he is advocating the scrapping of clean energy targets and the opening of multiple coal power stations. The future he says is 100% coal.

Hopefully if this triggers more of a public discussion then merkins can at least be smart enough to distinguish between thermal and metallurgical coal this time around.

Doubt it though.

Gary Gutful

Post Whore
IIRC the Finkel Report has been largely implement other than the Clean Energy Target. It's the far right of the LNP who are road blocking this.

Abbott has convinced himself that the coalition should go to the next election with the premise that the Labor / Greens position on climate change is bonkers socialist activism and that what Australians really want is good old fashioned coal generated power. With him leading the party of course.

Maybe I am politically blind because of my entrenched stance on these things, but I would like to think that Australia don't agree that going backwards is a sensible policy.
Another case in point....

Just talking about energy and thermal coal.


Staff member
Another case in point....

Just talking about energy and thermal coal.

Yes it needs to be explained. I am sure that merkins are not against coking coal used for steel production. It is the burning of thermal coal to create steam for the power producing turbines that need to be phased out.

Gary Gutful

Post Whore
Yes it needs to be explained. I am sure that merkins are not against coking coal used for steel production. It is the burning of thermal coal to create steam for the power producing turbines that need to be phased out.
Trust me, conservation groups are against all coal.

Metallurgical coal projects have been subject to legal challenge as part of their strategy that was leaked 5+ years ago. They don't understand or don't want to understand the difference. Their goal is to phase out all coal.

It has contributed to a very narrow public debate on the issue which completely shits me to tears.

Poupou Escobar

Post Whore
The conservative base listens to him. It's an example of many many from the conservative side of life who have demonstrated an ability to listen to science and not stick their heads in the sand.
What do you know about the science? You just take merkins' word for it do you?

If the science was conclusive there wouldn't be 95% consensus, there would be 100% consensus like everything else.

And I agree that people who benefit from hydrocarbons (or should I say, those smart enough to know they benefit, because we all benefit from cheaper energy) are less likely to believe all claims published by the climate science industry. However don't ignore the confirmation bias affecting climate scientists. Without the climate science industry they all need to find new jobs.

Poupou Escobar

Post Whore
Hopefully if this triggers more of a public discussion then merkins can at least be smart enough to distinguish between thermal and metallurgical coal this time around.

Doubt it though.
Merkins don't know anything about science. They just trust scientists not to make shit up. After all, the peer review process keeps them honest. Why would your peers back your interpretation of the data if it wasn't rock solid FFS?


Staff member
What do you know about the science? You just take merkins' word for it do you?

If 99% of doctors tell me I have lymphoma, notwithstanding me staring at my blood results and related tests, it's unlikely that I will be able to make head nor tail from it. I guess my choice is to go into denial about it and take my chances or take their advice and commence recommended treatment.

I know - I could undertake chemo / radiation therapy and if I go into remission and not die, then rant about how it was a hoax all along and question if the threat was ever there in the first place.

I'm sure Colin could give me tips on being a bombastic old f**kwit.



Can one of you knowledgeable merkins tell me if I'll still be able to buy heat beads for my Weber kettle if the climate change advocates get their way??

My vote at the next Federal election may well hinge on what info I get back here.....


Post Whore
The fact that is that we will still rely on fossil fuels for quite some time yet, so it's still important to research cleaner ways of doing that and Australia is one of the leaders in cleaner coal.

That isn't to say that renewable energy should be discarded, of course. But at this stage no renewable is even close to ready to replace coal fired power stations.

Realistically the best option is nuclear power. It's clean and unless you plonk the plant on a fault line, in the path of a tsunami, or staff it with Ukrainians its very safe. But the Greens are too stupid to see that and their scare campaigns have had a big impact


Staff member
The fact that is that we will still rely on fossil fuels for quite some time yet, so it's still important to research cleaner ways of doing that and Australia is one of the leaders in cleaner coal.

That isn't to say that renewable energy should be discarded, of course. But at this stage no renewable is even close to ready to replace coal fired power stations.

Realistically the best option is nuclear power. It's clean and unless you plonk the plant on a fault line, in the path of a tsunami, or staff it with Ukrainians its very safe. But the Greens are too stupid to see that and their scare campaigns have had a big impact

Clear thinking merkins acknowledge that we need to transition away from coal fired power. The solution may well be a mix of gas renewables and nuclear. The transition away from coal will depend of reliable alternatives to this baseload problem.

What shits me is the Coal Club saying that the recent SA shit fight was because of LOL renewables LOL the wind stopped and not because of a 1:100 year storm event that destroyed infrastructure.


Yes SA may not have their mix right but it does not mean that you put the pen through wind solar etc etc.

I see that the ACT have committed to 100% renewables by 2020. They claim that emerging battery technologies will give them the baseload.


They are pushing ahead in the UK and getting good results.


Gary Gutful

Post Whore
Merkins don't know anything about science. They just trust scientists not to make shit up. After all, the peer review process keeps them honest. Why would your peers back your interpretation of the data if it wasn't rock solid FFS?
I don't see the point in continuing to question the science at this point. From my review of it I am not in doubt as to whether it is real.

I just want to make sure that in addressing it we don't do stupid shit like close down the metallurgical coal industry because dopey merkins think you can make steel just with iron ore alone.

Accept your point about shit science in general though. I think science often lets us down in a big way. If scientists were subject to the same level of public scrutiny as proponents undertaking a public Environmental Impact Assessment, their work would be much more robust.

Gary Gutful

Post Whore
Can one of you knowledgeable merkins tell me if I'll still be able to buy heat beads for my Weber kettle if the climate change advocates get their way??

My vote at the next Federal election may well hinge on what info I get back here.....
Heat beads for BBQ = yes.

Anal beads for post BBQ shenanigans = no.

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