Barry O'Speedwagon
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I had a really interesting conversation with an Indigenous bloke at work a while back.
The gist of it (and I'm fully prepared to be assaulted by any social media activists we may have here) was that he and his mates feel like there is a big victim complex in Indigenous society and that sometimes you've gotta let the past be the past because if you don't it damages the future.
It was kind of interesting to hear that from an Indigenous kid, because in some ways it smacks of some of the stuff that outsiders have said and immediately been hounded for. But at the risk of sounding insensitive it does make a certain kind of sense, although I'm sure I agree entirely.
I think what this emphasises is that Indigenous people and communities differ considerably. In the late 90s I did about 18 months consulting work for the then ATSIC, which involved talking to people for downtown Sydney to the back of Port Headland to Cape York. There certainly is a solid core of people who think like the bloke you mention. There are also people who find themselves in a pretty helpless and hopeless situation. And then there are those who are just sick of being told what to do by some well-meaning, but basically selfish non-indigenous 'do-gooders'. It's a bloody difficult call, but as long as people act in good faith and are prepared to listen to alternate opinions, we are on the right path.