The merkin who caused a fuss at the Hunter Valley Reclaim Australia Rally (against immigration and especially the re-settlement of Syrian refugees) says ironically ....
You really shouldn't judge people by the way they look...if you were to in this case you would assume you were dealing with a completely unemployable racist tool who doesn't have a pot to piss in and who has his hand out to the government for everything from free money and housing to free medical and dentistry...maybe instead of immigration we could do an exchange program!!!
It's just a Kings player. It's not like he sprayed anyone important.
what a waste of beer
The Catalan should be safe enough, wherever that is.
There's a Catalina Country Club in Bateman's Bay. The don't seem to be a Yacht Rock band though.
More seriously, though, I'd imagine security would be pretty good at the Bataclan.
Not quite as much as a WSW game, but still a lot.
Eagles of Death Metal have announced that they will finish their gig at the Catalan.