For the first time ever in rugby league the Nrl has drawn a line in the sand and told clubs that, from this point forward we will not come to your rescue, you are on your own. This places clubs that are struggling financially now under the microscope. Tigers and manly seem most lost at the moment. So if manly don't get the developments or memberships they need there only option is to change and relocate. Tigers are the same. If the 4 different stadiums plan don't work for them and memberships drop off or don't increase they to will be in trouble. This goes for any Sydney team. In saying all that I feel if the Nrl can get the Sydney fans back on side and feel invested and at games, all teams could happily survive. I'm sure most clubs would prefer relocation over expulsion of it came down to it.
Overall a very negative comment on the game going forward. Exponential growth will not occur if you dismantle the longtine rivalries gained over many years of Sydney club existence. Simple as that. Their is a much more better way and it is additional clubs in other areas. More rugby league means more interest and consolidation along with genuine expansion doesnt put the code through the ringer again like superleague did!