Equally, with due respect, i mentioned in my post that it was a simplistic view of a draw. I was using it to illustrate my point. If you scrape away all the other rules and aspects of cricket......the ESSENTIAL result was that you played five days for no conclusion. Fundamentally (and not taking anything else into account), i find it odd that a game could be played for so long and have no conclusion where one side is declared 'a winner'. Whether its 5 days or 80 minutes, if you are going to take the time to play/watch it, invest money in it (be it buying merchandise, tickets of food and bev), you might as well end up with a conclusion. Sport is designed to produce winners and losers.
Coming back to save a draw in RL? With respect, i dont think that happens a lot. The difference between a win and a loss in RL may be as small as a missed goal kick.I dont think a team that is 20 behind would be thinking about 'saving the game'. They just want to score points! I don't think that they go out with the sole objective of scoring exactly 20 points.
Noodle, I know the wind point is getting a bit pedantic, but its very rare that you would see a situation where the wind 'perfectly' benefits one side. Anyone who kicks field goals would know how hard an art it is, and to get the wind directly behind your back is rare. If the wind is blowing across the ground, or even marginally to the left or right, its not necessarily going to be of assistance. What i mean is that there are so many factors that influence the result in a RL game, you are never going to get it perfect. I just like seeing results, thats just my humble position on it.
Im not deadset against draws, but i prefer a result. Im just being negative on the people who are being negative about a proposed change, that at the least, deserves a trial. (if that makes sense lol). Its all about trying to improve the game.