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NRL vs NFL debate

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Choppies said:
oixdork your a fuci n wanker bman
Ive had alkl the f**kin free piss I can habve ands I still thinnk your a f**kimn merkin

Have another one or give it a rest, if you can't berate/flame on a higher scale.


ozhawk66 said:
Rethink? Then prove what you will. I dare you.

You're using tackling and/or 'collision' figures to suggest an NFL player would only be "warming up" in 10 minutes of a Rugby League game. F**k, even AFL players can "tackle" :lol:, but let's face it, they wouldn't last 10 minutes in League either.

The reasons why an NFL player wouldn't last in League are obvious, and have been put to you plenty of times in this thread.

But you're either too geniused to understand or you're conveniently ignoring what has been put in front of you.

I'm tipping the former.

You're 10-fold the thickness of Bearthur's belly fat and dumber than the turds in the crappers that he used to clean at his local Mobil servo.

By the way, Number 90 looks like he wants your arse Ozdork. Personally, i'd go searching for a cork if a bloke wearing tights and gloves was smiling at me like that.
ozhawk66 said:
And you can't handle the concept of a man that can chase down the likes of a Bott from behind, can you?

And these kids are basic. No kidding. Maybe the likes of 'EA' will get it, some day. But I doubt it.

Nah, you're a f**king moron.

If Bott makes a break in the first 10 - 15 minutes, that NFL player probably would run him down. But the NFL player would be f**ked after 10 - 15 minutes because he'd have played his whole game in that time, so Bott would run around the fat sh*t for the rest of the game.

You never finished your gagging when the Manfred Moore link posted. He won a Super Bowl and lasted 5 games in League and that was playing as a winger. And that was despite being talked up as if he was going to revolutionise League. Fact is, he was sh*t and basically an embarrassment.

But he was a Super Bowl winner, so when you yap on about nobodies, you just sound moronic.

He couldn't handle it because the game was non-stop and that was back when League was pedestrian compared to what it is now.

Post all the picture you want idiot, all it does is make you look more and more stupid.

No NFL player could make it in the NRL. Nil.


This thread is getting to be such a waste of bandwidth... 78 pages! Good Lord.

It currently has nothing to do with the NRL, it has become ozhawk vs "RL is the only cool sport, everything else sucks" people.

Admin, time to move this to TFC.
yankeeboy said:
This thread is getting to be such a waste of bandwidth... 78 pages! Good Lord.

It currently has nothing to do with the NRL, it has become ozhawk vs "RL is the only cool sport, everything else sucks" people.

Admin, time to move this to TFC.

Nah, no it's not time to move it to TFC. It's an NRL messageboard, what game do you think the majority are going to prefer?

Here, flamers like this pissant get to understand that they can't just waltz in here and talk sh*t without being strung up.

If you don't like the thread, don't click on it.
ozhawk66 said:
Still reaching. How sad and pathetic.

* can you or anyone prove their pics through week #17?


Sad and pathetic is you up at 2 in the morning in Doonside pounding away at the keyboard while everyone else, except a very pissed Choppies, is asleep. Jet lag still got you f**ked has it?

Can anyone prove their pics through week #17?



Sad and pathetic is you up at 2 in the morning in Doonside pounding away at the keyboard while everyone else, except a very pissed Choppies, is asleep.

I don't know anybody under 30 who's asleep at 2:00am Friday night(Sat morning).


Everybody who is saying "He'd be okay in league... for 10 minutes" is being stupid.

If a player can only last 10 minutes, then they have a system set up for that. It's called the INTERCHANGE BENCH.

Some NRL players are really only good for 10 min. a match. During the SKY Sports coverage of the 2004 GF, David Furner referred to Ned Catic as "a 10 minute player...the sort of player who you'd put on the pitch and try to get as much as possible out of him in 10 minutes."
I read the first 20 pages of this thread, then couldn't wait any longer to go to the end. It is apples and oranges, but on the other hand they are 2 contact sports, with tackling and ball-running, that both evolved from rugby union.

Some random observations:

NFL players are bigger, stronger, and faster than NRL players.

NFL is more anaerobic, RL is more aerobic. But that doesn't mean an NFL player couldn't last in an RL game, given the proper training. The running backs, wide receivers, defensive backs and linebackers are superior athletes who could adjust to another sport's fitness demands easily. Many of the biggest linemen couldn't run a long time at their current weight, it's true. But some linemen are super athletes too - defensive end Julius Peppers, 6'7", played basketball at the U of North Carolina, lots of running in that sport.

Even the best NFL runners couldn't switch to RL easily though, because they didn't grow up learning the ball skills and tactics of league. They'd be athletic enough and tough enough to do all the running, passing and tackling. But I imagine there would be too much to learn for even a super NFL athlete to play at the NRL level. Not that it would ever happen, because there is too much money in the NFL for a top player to ever want to switch to RL.

Which brings up Manfred Moore. I followed the NFL closely in the 70s, and I never heard of him except on this forum. So he wasn't a top NFL player. And he was in his 20s when he tried RL, I believe. But if you could take a Culpepper, Randy Moss, Barry Sanders, Junior Seau, or someone like that, move them to Aus at age 15, say, and start training them for RL, you'd end up with an NRL superstar.
How about a hypothetical pair of cross-code matches, Patriots vs. Broncos (or whoever). Like Wigan vs Bath in the mid 90s. Each team would win its own game easily, but if you played the NFL game first, the Broncos might have trouble fielding a healthy lineup the next week. :D


Great posts, Canadian Steve!

But get those picks of that dirty traitor Nash out of your sig!


I agree totally with the anaerobic/aerobic thing.

No NRL player could transfer to the NFL easily, even with training. Some players might be able to play both ways in college/high school, but not in the NFL. For some reason, I think that Willie Mason would make a great fullback or lineman, but he is a little tall, and not as fast as NFL players are.

No NRL back could convert to any AF/CF position except for kicker or punter. The game is simply too physical, and would require too much precision and learning the plays for them to convert.

Forwards would be easier to convert, but they'd need to relearn even the only skill the sports have in common, as tackling is very different in AF/CF.

I think that with a year or so of training, most NFL players could convert to either rugby code. For all of you Aussies insulting the fitness of O-Linemen, you need to see the strength and conditioning they go through. They would do fine in RL. All they would need to do is to make one hit-up a set, and retreat and tackle in defense.

I think that simply due to the raw athleticism of American athletes, NFL players would be easier to convert to NRL players then vice versa.


f*ck me! how childish
"our players could play your sport but yours couldn't play ours"
79 pages of dribble.


What's with the Canuck spelling system? It seems they take half of the "Queen's English" and half of Webster's.

Noah Webster= Greatest Innovater in the history of the English Language

Why do you type an extra "me" onto "programme" when "program" works just fine? This is the beauty of (North?) American English.
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