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NRL vs NFL debate

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Sonny Bill Williams





Name Sonny Bill Williams

Position Lock, Second Row

Height 193cm

Weight 104kg


Like someone said earlier, we breed em tough young :):):).

Its not that young players cant play in the NFL, young players are restricted in NFL. Partly to preserve them from being burnt out (thus extending their career) and partly because of how the system of college football are structured (i.e. it encourages slayers to finish their studies).


JW said:
You're using tackling and/or 'collision' figures to suggest an NFL player would only be "warming up" in 10 minutes of a Rugby League game. F**k, even AFL players can "tackle" :lol:, but let's face it, they wouldn't last 10 minutes in League either.

I'm talking collisions just to get those sort of stats. Football is an every down game by every player.

Put it this way: when 1,2.....3 league players make a tackle; how many league players were trying to stop them from making that tackle?

Get it? This is a major point between the two sports.

The reasons why an NFL player wouldn't last in League are obvious, and have been put to you plenty of times in this thread.

Even the training reigiment of league players doesn't stand up to those who have to play in the NFL. Not even close.

But you're either too geniused to understand or you're conveniently ignoring what has been put in front of you.

I'm tipping the former.

You're 10-fold the thickness of Bearthur's belly fat and dumber than the turds in the crappers that he used to clean at his local Mobil servo.

Uh huh. That's why those in American football are that much bigger,faster and stronfer. Twit.

By the way, Number 90 looks like he wants your arse Ozdork. Personally, i'd go searching for a cork if a bloke wearing tights and gloves was smiling at me like that.

That #90 is 6-6, weighs 290 lbs (132 kg) and is as fast as any winger in league. Nice try.


Everlovin' Antichrist said:
Nah, you're a f**king moron.

If Bott makes a break in the first 10 - 15 minutes, that NFL player probably would run him down. But the NFL player would be f**ked after 10 - 15 minutes because he'd have played his whole game in that time, so Bott would run around the fat sh*t for the rest of the game.

Wrong answer. This is where twits like you, have to explain why those in the NFL would all of a sudden get tired? Please do so. If you can, idget.

You never finished your gagging when the Manfred Moore link posted. He won a Super Bowl and lasted 5 games in League and that was playing as a winger. And that was despite being talked up as if he was going to revolutionise League. Fact is, he was sh*t and basically an embarrassment.

True story? Then back it up. Don't say it, back it up.

But he was a Super Bowl winner, so when you yap on about nobodies, you just sound moronic.


He couldn't handle it because the game was non-stop and that was back when League was pedestrian compared to what it is now.

More yawn. Say it, don't spray it.

Post all the picture you want idiot, all it does is make you look more and more stupid.

I don't try and frame the argument/debate for others or those who read. I let them do that for themselves without ignuts like you telling how to look and read such arguments.

No NFL player could make it in the NRL. Nil.

Really? So, tell us how a 210-50 lb football player, who uses the the basics of rugby/league, who is that much faster than league players, ain't able to play in league?

I can't wait.


Everlovin' Antichrist said:

Sad and pathetic is you up at 2 in the morning in Doonside pounding away at the keyboard while everyone else, except a very pissed Choppies, is asleep. Jet lag still got you f**ked has it?

Can anyone prove their pics through week #17?


Prove it prik. I did not bring this up at 2 AM.

Nice of you to bring a post from so far back, though.


CanadianSteve said:
Some random observations:

NFL players are bigger, stronger, and faster than NRL players.

NFL is more anaerobic, RL is more aerobic. But that doesn't mean an NFL player couldn't last in an RL game, given the proper training. The running backs, wide receivers, defensive backs and linebackers are superior athletes who could adjust to another sport's fitness demands easily. Many of the biggest linemen couldn't run a long time at their current weight, it's true. But some linemen are super athletes too - defensive end Julius Peppers, 6'7", played basketball at the U of North Carolina, lots of running in that sport.

Even the best NFL runners couldn't switch to RL easily though, because they didn't grow up learning the ball skills and tactics of league.

Didn't learn? That's how they got there.

They'd be athletic enough and tough enough to do all the running, passing and tackling. But I imagine there would be too much to learn for even a super NFL athlete to play at the NRL level. Not that it would ever happen, because there is too much money in the NFL for a top player to ever want to switch to RL.

Which brings up Manfred Moore. I followed the NFL closely in the 70s, and I never heard of him except on this forum. So he wasn't a top NFL player. And he was in his 20s when he tried RL, I believe. But if you could take a Culpepper, Randy Moss, Barry Sanders, Junior Seau, or someone like that, move them to Aus at age 15, say, and start training them for RL, you'd end up with an NRL superstar.

Mostly true.


Everlovin' Antichrist said:
This debate isn't whether you could take a player at 15 and make him into a top player in the other code within 5 years, you could, and that works both ways. Take someone like Keith Galloway for example, take him to the US at 15, pump him full of steroids and within 7 years you'd have an NFL superstar linebacker. Sure, he'd be dead at 43 but he was an NFL superstar so it was worth it so some.

Ignorant. EA should be able to debate better factually. But he can't.

If you properly train a monkey, over time he'll eventually know which buttons to hit in order to get a banana andf that's the bottom line isn't it.

You've described basic league training?

This debate is whether a top NFL player could walk into an NRL side and be a superstar or vice versa. The answer is simply no and no one here who is on the NRL side of the argument has said otherwise.

The fastst the NRL can offer is in the 10.8 second range. Way to small and in the dime a dozen range.....

This is where EA has a prob......

You see, the NFL has a rule the the NRL does not adhere too.......

That rule is.......


And ignat also has a hard time comprehending 9.91 second speed.

The two codes are completely different and any claim that an NFL player who has trained for the stop start explosiveness of the NFL could last a game of NRL is laughable.

The off-season training program for the NFL makes the NRL look like the minor leagues.

At 210 minutes from the start of an NRL game a player could have played the game, showered, driven to the airport and flown to Brisbane with enough time left over to eat dinner. Yet an NFL player would generally play 30 minutes actual time in that time. No comparsion.

LOL........wanna learn about that 2nd clock in American football?

No one said Manfred Moore was a top player, but when you're looking for NFL players who've played top class Rugby League, there isn't a hell of a lot to choose from. There is one particular moron who'd have us believe that any NFL player would make it in the NRL. I'm sure he'd probably include Darren Bennett who played AFL. lol

Idioit. Bennett has had a hard time starting for the last two years. Thank God I'll get my way and he will be forced to start this next season.


hrundi99 said:
The only input I'll have is I remember the Broncos and Chargers came out here to play a demo game some years ago.

They took a bunch of them out to watch a league game, and many of them had dropping jaws because of the non-padding toughness of the players and the game.

If NFL players are impressed, doesn't that say something?

I'm pretty sure that was the game I told my (future) wife NOT to attend. She insisted. I told her it would be flat out boring. She finally saw the error, of her ways ;)

Now she watches ESPN's Jacked Up! segement, and sometimes gets sick......from the hits.


In America, 18 year olds don't play because they aren't physically or mentally mature enough to play at the top level. So we let them spend 4 years in university, so if football doesn't work out, at least they have a degree.

What's Sonny Bill or Karmichael gonna do if they can't play league anymore? It's not as if they are making millions of dollars. Will they be bricklayers? Work at Macca's?


Ghoulies said:
I just found my copy of Arthur Beetsons biography which contains a quote from an American footballer by the name of Windlan Hall(defensive back). Apparently he could run 100 yards in under 10 seconds and "hit like an express train". So when Jack Gibson asked if he'd be interested in a season of league, Hall responded, "No way, man! You guys don't use any padding."

Never heard of him. Prove it, don't say it.


CanadianSteve said:
Now let me try a different tack. I used to like the NFL better and follow it more closely in the 70s and early 80s. I don't like it quite as much now, partly because I do think it's too specialized and the linemen are too big. I liked it better when the linemen were in the 260-280 range. When the Fridge came along in 85, he was a rare 300+pounder - now they're almost all over 300 and many are much bigger.

Question for the Aussies who do watch and like the NFL a bit, like EA: If you changed some NFL rules -

- go back to the limited substitution rules of decades ago, so most players would play offence and defence. This would reduce the size of the linemen if they had to stay on the field the whole game.

- force the offences to play the no-huddle style like Buffalo did with Jim Kelly in the early 90s. Much less stop/start, and the quarterback has to think on the fly much more.

Those rule changes would make the game closer to rugby or league in terms of player size and versatility, and continuity of action. But it would still be NFL football with blocking, padding, forward passing etc. Would such a game be more attractive to Aussies than the current NFL game?

The "Fridge" was fat and slow/fast for his weight. He got famous cause he was used on offense, that's all.


yankeeboy said:
Arena Football (the current American "AFL," so to some of you it's already screwed) has already implemented a limited interchange system, so most players play both ways of the 60 min. game. But the field is only 50 yds. long, and these are the "NFL Rejects."

Are they of the same quality as CFL players, or are they rejects from the North, too?

But a no huddle offense would not make you any more innovative. My high school used a no huddle offense, and all we did was place a card with preselected plays on it in a wristband, and once we went through the 10 plays, started over. We changed the cards out at half-time. It was the only game we lost all season, so I'm not a big fan of the no huddle offense.

I never could stand Arena football.


redVgirl said:
i think they would. maybe not the little blokes, but the forwards most definitely. all NRL players have been smacked down hard on numerous occasions...

Imagine someone 20-30 kgs heavier, faster and stronger hittin the likes of a Webke or Mason....upfront or on a "blindside' hit?

Imagine that same type of league forward who could run down a Wesser, or a Bott? late in the game. And puttin the hurt on.

i think NFL players are probably bigger/stronger/faster in general. but they are also required to do alot less.

That's the myrth.....they are required to do much more....

they are more specialised....even the fact they have offensive and defensive teams. NRL players have to be able to do everything AND think on their feet. also i think over 100 metres a typical NFL running back would run rings over mosr NRL players. but they dont have the stamina that league players do.

Those that try too make the NFL, no matter what position, are testes for stamina in ways that the NRL does not do, these days.

anyway they are vastly different games requiring different skill levels, its kinda silly 2 compare them really.

Kids shouln't be allowed to play with men on the pro level. Correct?


CanadianSteve said:
I agree that those 3 are big and fast enough to be NFL players. The NFL is full of guys like Jonah, Wendell, and Lote.

Jonah yes, the other two examples, would take some time.


ozhawk66 said:
Minnesota loses finale but backs in because Carolina loses

Jamie Squire / Getty Images

Something a Winger COULD not do.........and I'm talkin before Randy Moss tried to make this catch possible......

This is why Randy walked off the field......and I supported him the instant I found out about it...


I guess league fans don't mind 18 year old kids......

Here is a shot from a #7, at 20+ years of age(several years before he came into the NFL).........who runs a faster 40/100 meter than anyone in league, and he's wearing the #7 jersey....

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