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NRL Vs Vichy Collaborators


is there somewhere i can actually buy that book?
would be a good read.

Got mine through Amazon ,and sent out on time.It shows exactly what the French rugby union has been about.Acts of sporting bastardry is putting it mildly.
A great read,which the events spelt out , should make the Fitzsimons of this world cringe in shame However they choose to ignore.


The problem with this line of thinking though is, ,while you are worried about what the French did to Rugby league 2 generations ago, the other codes are taking territory. AFL is moving upwards like the cane toads moved in an opposite direction from QLD. Football is a behemoth. To think it will not impact kids playing RL is foolish. Do you think they empathise with rubgy league having to suffer the "atrocities" commited upon them.
Calixte, do you think that guys like SBW cares about history. He definitely isnt the sharpest tool in the shed and you are going to give him a history lesson so he can stay in RL. This has to be the most hilarious suggestion yet. "Hey guys, even though the money is better in French RL or English Super LEague, dont go there for the extra cash you will make, stay here and earn signinficantly less so that we can give you history lessons. May not pay the mortgage but you will be educated on the evil empire"

What a joke!

The simple fact is the message on Vichy and union in france is getting out more and more.The FRU has assets stolen from the FRL.You go figure.
What SBW thinks doesn't matter,when a govt(the French) says union deliberately set out to destroy rugbby league in the occupation years,it puts the onus back on to the govt,to do something.The more that is written or spoken about the subject on the net,the more the word gets out.
So as rl is now being played in Victorian schools and 3 new clubs starting in 2009 and the WARL exepriencing a 33% increase in growth this year,rugby league is not making inroads.Gallop stated participation this year for rl is over 400,000 a damn side more than in the past.


Union hypocrites? You mean like $BW, Gasnier, Tuquiri, Sailor, Rogers, Robinson, Thorn, Farrell, Cross ... I could go on, and on, and on ...

Union hypocrites! Rugby league poached union players for 100 years ppor us. yet completely ignoring the French rugby union poached the cream of rugby league during and after the war .Not one union journo,commentator has had the guts to admit it either happened,and admit union tried to kill of union in that country.No all they cry with bleeding hearts rl are the only to blame for poaching.
We are talking the code not individuals going for a quick easy buck.


Union hypocrites! Rugby league poached union players for 100 years ppor us. yet completely ignoring the French rugby union poached the cream of rugby league during and after the war .Not one union journo,commentator has had the guts to admit it either happened,and admit union tried to kill of union in that country.No all they cry with bleeding hearts rl are the only to blame for poaching.
We are talking the code not individuals going for a quick easy buck.


f**k me, you have lost the plot. The reason nobody "has the guts to admit it" is actually because nobody actually gives a sh*t! Why should they when some of the stars of league don't even give a sh*t.

It is only you dinosaurs that can't look forward, who constanly moan about how your sweeties were taken away in the playground, that keep harping on about it.

Have you considered that?
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Ha ha.

First you will have to deal with a bunch of rah rahs telling you you are paranoid and there was no Vichy alignment with union and RL wasn't banned and it was 60 years ago and it didn't hurt French RL etc. etc.

Of course, like most things education is a factor. If the NRL was to ensure that the players understood the history of union's attempts to wipe out rugby league, at least some may reconsider the issue of crossing codes.

That is those with some sort of depth of character anyway.

wouldn't have stopped sonny bill.

meanwhile of course the french are poaching players! french don't give a sh*t about laws or contracts. they're FRENCH. it's part of why they're so fabulous.


First Grade
lol at sonny bill attempting to understand the concept of Vichy collaborators to begin with. world war 2? was that in china? no no...it was brazil. right? did i get it right?


lol at sonny bill attempting to understand the concept of Vichy collaborators to begin with. world war 2? was that in china? no no...it was brazil. right? did i get it right?

That is precisely the point.

If the biggest stars in League don't give a sh*t about this, why do some die-hard League fans still insist it is important?


First Grade
Nice selective sample of my post, Vampy, BTW.

Some players do care. SBW may not, more to the point he wouldn't even know...that is one of the issues here.

We were recently talking about the Le Pontet club in France. They were heavily penalised by the French RL around 1989 and the board voted to oppose the penalties and switch to union en masse.

A number of the players refused to switch on principle, despite the financial incentives and stayed with TGG.

You might like to try and learn a little about the subject before trolling next time...


The key words here being "in your view", because those factors have absolutely zero influence on the decision-making process of modern players -- as evidenced by the willingness of some of league's biggest stars to jump ship at the drop of a dollar.

In every other sport I can think of, fans (and amateur players) follow the lead of the stars of the game, who set the trends. Only in league do a group of narrow minded, paranoid dinosaurs blame events upon which their generation had zero control for their current state.

You're talking about sport, FFS! It isn't as if anyone who played league was gassed for it, or was snatched from their parents and raised in an unfamiliar environment.

If players such as Sonny Bill Williams, Matt Rogers and Jason Robinson, all with blue-collar league pedigrees, can put a trivial incident of history behind them, shouldn't you? At the very least, you could show some consistency. Rogers was much admired as a league player, pilloried by league fans when he went to union, and now appears well settled back into his role in league. Shouldn't you be sending these "traitors" to Coventry?

A sport was banned and had its assets handed seized and handed over
over to French rugby union FFS.
The FRL had over 300,000 francs in the bank in 1941,waht would that be worth in todays money with interest.
Trivial incident as far as sport goes utter crap.Trying to compare it with the gassings and atrocities is also out of order.
If union or AFL was banned in australia and the assets handed over to rl,would you just say oh well that's life.Sheesh talk about apologists.



f**k me, you have lost the plot. The reason nobody "has the guts to admit it" is actually because nobody actually gives a sh*t! Why should they when some of the stars of league don't even give a sh*t.

It is only you dinosaurs that can't look forward, who constanly moan about how your sweeties were taken away in the playground, that keep harping on about it.

Have you considered that?

Really.In view of the current poaching of rl players by the French ru,and union journos babbling on about league poaching union players as though it was/is a one way street.Apologists usually(journalists/commentators don't give a sh*t,unfortunately for them it is coming back to them in spades whether they give a sh*t or not.
It has even cropped up on radio,yesterday.
Get used to it honeycomb.
I have considered it , breaking the law,its called theft,Not theft of a player but the financial and player foundation of a code by a Govt and union lobbyists,It doesn;t matter whether it happend 10,20 or 30 years ago ,it is still illegal.
The aborigines fought for decades to ge some reparations for stolen lands(200 years ago).You suggesting they forget it and move on.
I would never wish someone to repossess your house,if you did even 30 years down the line would you give a sh*t.
Have you considered that or would you write it off as part of life.Sheesh.
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First Grade
Posters trying to justify French union history are seriously misguided.

It is also worse than it might first appear. Attempts to stifle rugby league in France continued well after WWII.

The point was union was paying players in France since the 1920s at the latest. Any pretence to amateurism was just that.

At the very same time, union used every means available at political level to block rugby league's progress on the basis that it was a "professional" sport. This was despite the fact that the vast majority of RL's participants were of course amateur (eg. children, social players, effectively all competitions below the top professional ranks).

The hypocrisy of this position can scarcely be believed...

Anyone who supports it is a fool. Naturally there will be takers here.


Posters trying to justify French union history are seriously misguided.

It is also worse than it might first appear. Attempts to stifle rugby league in France continued well after WWII.

The point was union was paying players in France since the 1920s at the latest. Any pretence to amateurism was just that.

At the very same time, union used every means available at political level to block rugby league's progress on the basis that it was a "professional" sport. This was despite the fact that the vast majority of RL's participants were of course amateur (eg. children, social players, effectively all competitions below the top professional ranks).

The hypocrisy of this position can scarcely be believed...

Anyone who supports it is a fool. Naturally there will be takers here.

Mate you just dont get it. I am not defending what the French did. Sure it was a major thing to happen to RL. All I am saying is who cares. How does this affect the NRL in anyway? Yes RL was wronged but does this have anything to do with today, a resounding NO! RU has more money than RL. It really is that simple. Don't over complicate things. Netballs salary cap is around $260000 per year. Why? Because that is what it can afford. There is no difference with RL, or A-League. NFL's salary cap is huge because that is what it can afford. You really have to look after what you can control, ie making league a better product to lift revenues rather than looking at what it NOT CONROLLABLE; Vichy Govt.


First Grade
Mate you just dont get it. I am not defending what the French did. Sure it was a major thing to happen to RL. All I am saying is who cares. How does this affect the NRL in anyway? Yes RL was wronged but does this have anything to do with today, a resounding NO! RU has more money than RL. It really is that simple. Don't over complicate things. Netballs salary cap is around $260000 per year. Why? Because that is what it can afford. There is no difference with RL, or A-League. NFL's salary cap is huge because that is what it can afford. You really have to look after what you can control, ie making league a better product to lift revenues rather than looking at what it NOT CONROLLABLE; Vichy Govt.

You don't care. Others clearly do. :D

The facts speak for themselves. Expect them to be mentioned here. Now and into the future.

Simply because they make you clearly uncomfortable as a union supporter will not stop that. It is not surprising it makes you feel uncomfortable. You probably should feel uncomfortable knowing your favoured sport has such a close connection with Nazi Germany and Vichy France.


You don't care. Others clearly do. :D

The facts speak for themselves. Expect them to be mentioned here. Now and into the future.

Simply because they make you clearly uncomfortable as a union supporter will not stop that. It is not surprising it makes you feel uncomfortable. You probably should feel uncomfortable knowing your favoured sport has such a close connection with Nazi Germany and Vichy France.

Please read my other posts. Yes I like Union. Yes I like League. Yes I like Football. Not to keen on AFL but can watch a good close game. You howvere, have a sever inferiority complex. Nazi Germany!!! Man this has to be the most idiotic response I have heard.


First Grade
Please read my other posts. Yes I like Union. Yes I like League. Yes I like Football. Not to keen on AFL but can watch a good close game. You howvere, have a sever inferiority complex. Nazi Germany!!! Man this has to be the most idiotic response I have heard.

You seem to lack an understanding of the connection between Vichy and Nazism.

I suggest you also do some more research, this time on what FIRA is, and then get back to me.

I can almost here google springing into action as I write... :roll:


You seem to lack an understanding of the connection between Vichy and Nazism.

I suggest you also do some more research, this time on what FIRA is, and then get back to me.

I can almost here google springing into action as I write... :roll:

George W Bush's grand father, Prescott Bush sold computers and financed the Nazis which aided in killing the Jews more efficiently. Are we going to blame this also for the problems that befall RL in this, its centenarry year. Just keep looking at "outside" problems this will fix League! What a @#$%ing joke!


Its so easy to sweep this all under the carpet isnt it.

Well I cant. I wont forget. It is a shameful shameful act that has stunted the growth of a 'sport'. A sport. A SPORT FFS.

This shameful episode has given those smug bastards ill founded 'amunition' to ridicule my game. They like to pound thier chests and say how 'global' thier past time is and how not global rugby league is. Well... If they never took France from us we would have a large international game. One that would maybe rival soccer.

And you all would be onside.

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