I always go and watch the Parky Girls play when they have homegames. Last homegame was a cracker. A few of the players have a lot of skills and the others just make up the numbers, but they have a go. One plays for the Qld team and one of the younger ones is a future gun.
Last homegame they played the worse game I had ever seen. They got done by a side that shouldn't even be a threat to anyone. The Parky girls were kicking on the first tackle 10 metres out from their own line. Missing tackles, players playing out of position, stars getting rested. Laughing behind the ingoal line after the op had scored. I couldn't believe it and I was going off my head.
A couple of the girls who were out injured were sitting just near me ( the old fart on the hill going off his head as they described me) as I was performing. i.e "What the fork was that?"
Anyhow good mate and Pres of the Club wandered over to me at the end of the game to have a discreet word and quietly told me. "Quigs, The girls were instructed to throw the game"
Story goes that if they lost then they played them the following weekend in the knockout Semi. The Parky girls subsequently flogged that side 30 something to 4
Injuries and players being away caught up with them in the end. They came third in the comp.