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nsw "fans"


Hmmm...I don't think that side would necessarily be successful Mr. berger. Don't get me wrong I like some of the choices but I could see some valid arguments against that side.

Before game 1 I myself came up with this side.

1. Josh Dugan
2. Jarryd Hayne
3. Jamie Lyon
4. Matt Cooper
5. Brett Morris
6. Trent Barrett
7. Brett Kimmorley
8. Luke Douglas
9. Michael Ennis
10. Michael Weyman
11. Nathan Hindmarsh (c)
12. Anthony Watmough
13. Luke Lewis

14. Kade Snowden
15. Tom Learoyd Lahrs
16. Paul Gallen
17. Greg Bird

And I selected it like that not because I necessarily thought it could win but because I thought at least they would be competitive and give NSW a great squad to build off of. Now, I can't say that's the ideal squad either. 16 and 17 really could have gone to anybody, my halves pairing is far from ideal and I didn't really have too many options in the centres or on the wing.

Also that front row pairing could've been a number of players...

I guess what I'm trying to say is that there isn't an ideal side. NSW fans continue to talk about it but I can't see it, not yet at least.
Yeah well I said Queensland would probably still win, but my team would be more competitive than the one the selectors and Bellamy come up with.

The 2nd point is pretty much the problem, the NSW team doesn't pick itself the way the Queensland team does. The Queensland team is pretty much obvious for most positions.

The reason why we are whinging here in NSW is because there are a heap of combinations that would be better than what they actually picked. Your team and my team would be better than what the selectors dished up for game 1.

I actually had Dugan in the team that I picked before Origin started, he is far better than Hayne positionally and Hayne isn't as bad on the wing as everyone has been saying, he was brilliant there last year.

I don't like Barrett and Cooper, but at least Barrett is a 5/8. I picked Campese because I reckon he could turn into a great Origin player, they didn't give him much of a go last time.
I wanted Kimmorley in there last year and don't have a problem with him either, I just think his club form hasn't been as good this year.

I've got nothing against Weyman, I actually like him, but I just wanted some big boppers.

So if they picked my side and lost I would say "fair enough, well played Qld".
If they picked yours and lost I would probably just bitch about Barrett, and maybe Cooper even though we'd still be expected to lose.
Losing with the team the selectors and Bellamy come up with is why we are calling for their heads. I don't blame the players at all, the selectors shouldn't have put them in there.

Queensland have Slater, Falou, Inglis, Lockyer, Thurston, Petro and Smith, they are already hard enough to beat without handicapping ourselves in the selection room.


This is crap, it's not like we are alone.

I remember when NSW had won 3 in a row, Queenslanders were saying that Origin was dead and was pointless. They were calling for Lockyer to be sacked, he was too old and was past it etc.

Mate, I'm sorry but you have bee misinformed. Do you live in NSW? If so can I just say that nobody in QLD (except maybe one or two rouge "journalists" who nobody reads anyway) doubted Lockyer's ability during the dark years of 03, 04, 05. Some may have doubted his move to 5/8th, but clearly not the selectors.

And I can guarantee you NOBODY in QLD was saying Origin is dead. The NSW media was the only people saying Origin is dead......much like right now. Sydney media is the greatest enemy of Rugby League in Australia.

If our selectors picked the right players I'd have a 'better luck next time' attitude.
Imagine if Queensland run this team out. Trying to be similar to how NSW picked their team.

We did. We had a time when Berrigan and Ikin were our halves. Trust me it hurt, but we didn't just give up like high school girls. In fact, it helps to make the current success so much more sweet.


I guess what I'm trying to say is that there isn't an ideal side. NSW fans continue to talk about it but I can't see it, not yet at least.
they don't, and won't get it mate... and we'd have a similar number of haters if Jesus Christ was fullback, Superman was at half, The Flash on the wing and that rock monster thing from the Fantastic 4 was lining up in the front row... as long as we keep losing, it will be the same... and what they don't get is while it might improve our chances 10 or 20% if we get an "optimum" team, the real problems are that:
a) queensland have more than that much improvement in them if they really need to call on it and;
b) we need a full team of blokes with heart. blokes that will happily bleed for the jersey. winners.
Queensland selectors write Thurston, Lockyer, Slater and Englis into the key positions then select in form players/combinations to fit around them. They shore up the key/vital roles first. NSW seems to have an ongoing problem of picking big name players then making them fit into a team even if it means putting them into out of position roles.

It lacks leadership and often suffers from too many club playmakers confusing the crap out of the rest of the side.

Qld keeps it simple Thurston or Lockyer get the ball when they call for it and they control the play.


This is crap, it's not like we are alone.

I remember when NSW had won 3 in a row, Queenslanders were saying that Origin was dead and was pointless. They were calling for Lockyer to be sacked, he was too old and was past it etc.

If our selectors picked the right players I'd have a 'better luck next time' attitude.
When you see them pick Gidley as captain, stick him in at fullback in front of the Dally M winner, then build a team around him with players out of position and bringing in their own favourites rather than the best players, you do get that 'why bother' feeling.

Imagine if Queensland run this team out. Trying to be similar to how NSW picked their team.

1. Some useless utility that shouldn't be in Origin.*
2. Falou
3. Ash Graham
4. Inglis
5. Slater
6. Tonga
7. Langer*, I couldn't think of an old Qld halfback
8. Pillow*
9. Smith
10. Marshmellow*
11. Thaiday
12. Powder Puff 1*
13. Powder Puff 2*

14. Big Useless centre*
15. Myles
16. Harrison
17. Cronk

*just think of a 3rd or 4th string player for these positions.

Nah, no Queenslander would complain would they.:roll: They'd be just as happy if they went on to lose.:sarcasm:

I remember this well! And it was even Maroons fans on these very forums questioning Lockyer's form and the coaching (fair enough, you had Hagan running the show then!) When your State team is going well at Origin, people come out all cocky and think they're invincible, but when the s**t has hit the fan (as it did for Qld and as it is for NSW right now) the natural inclination is for supporters to point out what is wrong with the team- be that admin, selectors or players. Happens in NSW, happens in Qld and happens in pretty much any sport you care to name.
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Big Pete

Yeah well I said Queensland would probably still win, but my team would be more competitive than the one the selectors and Bellamy come up with.

Who's to say either team would be more competitive though?

Hindmarsh isn't the best backrow in the comp. anymore and hasn't been in four years.

Poore has been extremely disappointing

Campese and Carney have both been below par this season in the halves.

Josh Morris was always uncomfortable on the wing, who's to say he'd actually perform well there.

Gallen was the most unpopular Blue after the '08 series.

We sit here, expressing our opinion but really nothing is at stake for us but time. The selectors have to consider all kinds of variables and have far more points to consider.

Again, they have made mistakes. I don't want to beat a dead horse, but their biggest was the choice of captain. Gidley is a wonderful club men for the Knights, but to me he had yet to really influence an Origin game (well at least beyond 20 minutes) and so I found his selection as captain absurd.

Again though, who should be captain?

We keep seeing Hindmarsh's name. Well the guy was dropped in 2008 and has rarely captain the Eels in his stint, so I don't know whether he is captaining material.

I wonder in 2008, who was vice captain under Danny Buderus...that would be interesting.

they don't, and won't get it mate... and we'd have a similar number of haters if Jesus Christ was fullback, Superman was at half, The Flash on the wing and that rock monster thing from the Fantastic 4 was lining up in the front row... as long as we keep losing, it will be the same... and what they don't get is while it might improve our chances 10 or 20% if we get an "optimum" team, the real problems are that:

Yeah, it's a shame. I couldn't believe the number of fans conceding defeat as soon as the Blues side was announced.

I remember this well!


Considering your revisionist memory I say you took one comment and twisted it into whatever agenda you had.


Nope Pete, there were quite a few. Complaints about Lockyer, complaints about the coaching staff. Then Meninga took over and the change of fortunes since then has to be more than just a coincidence.

Big Pete

I don't remember any Qlder complaining about Lockyer, in fact I remember a lot of them defending Lockyer after the 2005 series. There was a small contigent who wanted to see him moved back to fullback, but that had existed from the very instant he was set to become a five eigth in the '04 preseason.

I do remember a number of Qlders wanted to see a new coach. That's natural, but we never went out of our way to put the full blame on Hagan.

I remember a lot of Queenslanders fronting up after the '05 series and saying they were wrong about Johns and toasting his brilliant come back. I remember them talking up the awesome backline and even a few forwards (apart from BK) got a wrap. Nobody went out of there way to say, 'Well if we had a better side we would've been a better chance'. We just weren't good enough on the night.

I don't remember any Qlder coming out and conceding defeat before an Origin game, even in 2005.

Again, I think you just make it up as you go along.


First Grade
Hindmarsh is captain of the Eels at the moment, and is far better than any of the backrowers in the NSW team at the moment. But it's not about that, Hindmarsh and a few others have the heart and passion required to lead NSW from the front. Buderus was captain of NSW while he wasn't captain of Newcastle.


Queenslanders: perfect fans and perfectly gracious in defeat.

NSW fans: terrible fans because theyve lost faith in their perfect selectors and should just shut up and be happy with losing 5 years in a row in a competition consisting of two teams. We definitely shouldn't be suggesting that maybe some changes in management should be made and we definitely shouldn't be upset when a sub-par side is selected. Neither should we ask that people be held accountable and push for better results. What kind of fan wants that? Only NSW pretend fans apparently.

You aren't so arrogant as to think you wouldnt be just a little upset if you were stuck in this hole with no apparent end to it any time soon? Surely?


I'd wouldn't be so pissed off with the selectors, the administration, players, whatever if they were looking at ways to improve. But they're getting worse and it's so aggravating.


First Grade
I remember when NSW had won 3 in a row, Queenslanders were saying that Origin was dead and was pointless. They were calling for Lockyer to be sacked, he was too old and was past it etc.

I didn't know Phil Gould and most of the NSW press were all Queenslanders ...:shock:


First Grade
A fellow poster on another site asked this question long before the game even started.

Originally Posted by danielackland
why is everyone still crying about selections.

its obvious they could of selected a different side, but you nsw fans are jokes.

unlike queenslanders who back there players no matter what, you guys deathride them so u can turn around and say see selectors your got it horribly wrong.

This was my response.....

Well, imagine if Queensland picked Rhys Wesser at full back, Bronson Harrison was picked in the centres and Matt Balin was made hooker and Cameron Smith was available. Then Matt Bowen was chosen on the bench to replace Greg Inglis in the centres who'd go back to full back, so Rhys Wesser could come to dummy half and Matt Balin could go off for a five minute rest.

If the Queensland selectors were that f**king stupid, the Queensland fans would be blowing up big time.

But they're not. They have one quarter of the players NSW have, so their choices are far fewer and therefore easier to make, but the other advantage Queensland has is that they have the best players in the country in all the key positions.

Best full back. Best centres. Best winger. Best hooker. Best halfback. Best three props (except two are unavailable) and best five eighth.

The only positions NSW have better players is in the back row and amazingly Queensland still has Ashley Harrison, Nate Myles and Sam Thaiday as your starting back row.

When NSW were smashing Queensland between 2003 & 2006 no one in NSW was moaning about the team. We had Andrew Johns. They still made terrible decisions like picking non ball players to play five eighth, but Johns made the difference.

Now we've lost 4 that FOUR in a row. We cant bare the thought of losing another. The humiliation will be beyond awful for anyone who loves the Blues. But the selectors keep making the same mistakes trying to worry more about negating Queensland than picking teams that can beat them. We need to run Queensland ragged. We need to exhaust them into mistakes. That means we need fast players who can keep going all night and we need kicking options so we can turn Queensland around and make them run lots and lots. We need to keep the ball in play at all costs. So what do we do? We pick slow men that can "defend". We pick our best fullback on the wing. We pick one kicker. We do everything possible to try and lose the game before we start. It's so f**king frustrating.

The fact we bitch and moan and carry on, is purely because we care. We care more than Queenslanders want to admit. Queensland seems to think that because they've always been the under dogs and they've always risen to match and more often beat NSW that they have the monopoly on passion. Well you can stick that notion up your f**king arse mate (in the nicest possible way). We care, we care f**king loads. We feel every f**king loss and we hate staring down the barrell at more of them. But at the moment that's what we're living with.

I hope that NSW rise to the occasion and win on Wednesday and I'll be cheering them till I am raw, but i reserve the right to care about my State and I will keep shouting about the state it's in (good or bad) until I die.

Big Pete

Hindmarsh is captain of the Eels at the moment, and is far better than any of the backrowers in the NSW team at the moment. But it's not about that, Hindmarsh and a few others have the heart and passion required to lead NSW from the front. Buderus was captain of NSW while he wasn't captain of Newcastle.

Pretty sure it's still Cayless.

And that's debatable. I say there about equal but the one's that were selected still have age on their side.

Queenslanders: perfect fans and perfectly gracious in defeat.

Where did I ever say that?

I just said I don't recall anyone in Qld saying Origin was dead.

We've complained about the odd call from the ref here or there and the odd selection but we've never gone as far as conceding defeat the moment the team has been read out.
NSW fans: terrible fans because theyve lost faith in their perfect selectors

No one ever said they were perfect.

Just making the case some blame should rest on the players shoulders. And I'm not talking about just those in the Sky Blue, but those in contention.

As for the rest of your sarcastic dribble, the reality is Queensland have been superior over 4 years and they deserve the majority of the credit because they have boasted the far superior sides. We've seen every argument under the sun made not to give them credit, but fair dinkum even Blind Freddy could tell you at the end of the day, when the series has been on the line Queensland have just wanted it more.

You aren't so arrogant as to think you wouldnt be just a little upset if you were stuck in this hole with no apparent end to it any time soon? Surely?

Of course, but you're carrying on like school children.
Well, imagine if Queensland picked Rhys Wesser at full back

Does Gidley have the Australian fullback in-front of him in NSW?

Bronson Harrison was picked in the centres

Who is this supposed to be from NSW?
Matt Balin was made hooker and Cameron Smith was available.

Ennis = Farah.

Where as...

Cam Smith > Ballin.


Cam Smith >> Ennis or Farah
Then Matt Bowen was chosen on the bench to replace Greg Inglis in the centres who'd go back to full back

Idris is now a fullback who's just come back from two major injuries?

And did you just compare Tahu/Cooper to Inglis?
so Rhys Wesser could come to dummy half

Course Gidley never had any experience there...

If the Queensland selectors were that f**king stupid, the Queensland fans would be blowing up big time.

Thankfully the Qld players are stepping up then.

but the other advantage Queensland has is that they have the best players in the country in all the key positions.

And they all step up asking to be picked. Even some of your best players like Watmough and Hayne aren't doing enough to convince selectors they deserve their spot.

As for the rest of your post, seriously good on you mate. That's what Origin is all about but some of you who are having a go at the selectors and then picking s**tty teams afterwards are just a bunch of hypocrites. I think you just have to accept that at this point in time your state has found itself in a hole and that it extends from the selectors to the players.

Selecting an Origin side is extremely difficult too. Select it on form and you end up with guys who aren't suited to representative football. Select it on reputation and you get a side like you had on Wednesday (possibly worse). The best players to me have characteristics that are suited to Origin football. They may not be the most talented, but you know they'll do the job required and won't back down.

One player who fits that mould for me is Trent Barrett.

But hey you guys might think I'm a joke.

Continue abusing your own state and players.


First Grade
The fact we bitch and moan and carry on, is purely because we care. We care more than Queenslanders want to admit. Queensland seems to think that because they've always been the under dogs and they've always risen to match and more often beat NSW that they have the monopoly on passion. Well you can stick that notion up your f**king arse mate (in the nicest possible way). We care, we care f**king loads. We feel every f**king loss and we hate staring down the barrell at more of them. But at the moment that's what we're living with.

Funny ... NSW's most winning coach shares the same opinion as Queenslanders and states so publicly all the time. I don't know how many times he's said things like "He's a Queenslander" or "typical Queensland passion".

So you don't have to believe us ...

I believe that passion dwindled to about nothing 10 or so years ago ... but it's been built again through some careful planning and putting things in place behind the scenes. Today the passion is restored.

NSW could do the same ... if they stop bitching between each other.


Most people would say Jarryd Hayne is our best player yes? But even he isn't the best in his position. We haven't got 1 champion player! Haven't since Johns retired. Have a look at Qld
Slater, Inglis, Smith, Thurston, Lockyer, Petero... Some of these guys will be among the greats in their position and greats in the games (if not already) when they retire.

There's our problem. Who's our champion?

Everyone talks about the importance of a good spine, well have a look at theirs!
Let's give credit where it's due. Doesn't matter who we put out there or who's coaching, we won't beat the current Qld team twice in a series.


Just making the case some blame should rest on the players shoulders. And I'm not talking about just those in the Sky Blue, but those in contention.

As for the rest of your sarcastic dribble, the reality is Queensland have been superior over 4 years and they deserve the majority of the credit because they have boasted the far superior sides. We've seen every argument under the sun made not to give them credit, but fair dinkum even Blind Freddy could tell you at the end of the day, when the series has been on the line Queensland have just wanted it more.

Never said this wasn't the case. The Queensland side have been superior over the past four years in ability, execution, and commitment. If we want to match that NSW needs to be making better selections, amongst doing a lot of other things right which they currently aren't doing. You might be happy you've been able to put together consecutive series wins, but we are entitled to demand changes when it goes on this long, especially when there are some obvious mistakes being made. Even Queenslanders put on their smug faces when our team gets announced because they already suspect they have it in the bag.

Nobody, at least nobody who isn't a d*ckhead, is saying Queensland don't deserve credit. They're dominating the series and look as if they will continue to. We aren't trying to make excuses. Anyone who looks hard enough can see why we never even come close to putting up a proper contest.

Wanting it more is important, but don't even try to say that your team is suffering from the same management screw ups as NSW.

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