I have no problem with either ruling.
I agree. They were two totally different incidents.
And, although it's hard to believe that Hayne's "fame and status" didn't receive consideration, they shouldn't play any part. Smith's certainly didn't last year...except, if I was to wax cynical (or more cynical) I'd say that Smith's suspension was finally the punishment that the Storm had coming for their "new and improved" tackling techniques alla Grapple, Crusher, etc.
All this aside, I don't think that the carry-over points system needs changing. I am very happy that they did bring in the "expiration" of carry-over points over time. That's fair. But, to say "he shouldn't miss the Grand Final" and "it should count for more" is crap. If you don't want to miss weeks, keep your nose clean. Little accidents happen but if you do the crime, you should do the time.
Otherwise, if they change it, that'll just be another avenue for exploitation.
...Hey, prop with a clean record, coat-hanger one of the boys in the GF Qualifier...it's cool, everything is only half as bad this week!...
Extreme example, but so is a wrestling technique whereby a man's entire weight and power is placed on another player's neck to force submission due to a fear induced reaction...but someone came up with that!!!
Just like the McIntrye system...people only bitch when it has an unlikely outcome but, that's how it is with unlikely outcomes...they happen every now and then!