mate I just dont rate that division, to me even dallas would be lucky to finish 8-8 in our division with the defenses in the AFC east, they are all big time apart from the Pats who have brady instead.
We swept the packers division last year with a far less side, now with all the weapons we have i just cant see it. In saying that I think giants and redskins will be far better this year, and will make it harder for you guys and teh cowboys.
The philli experiment wont work mate, you dont just loose quality like you did and get better. I think defensively you guys will be better, but just remember chip is no defensive guru, he will rely on the offense to get them over the line, and one thing i have learnt by watching the NFL is that the best d will always beat the best O in the vast majority of cases.
Dont rate pittsburgh that highly this year tbh, nor denver, manning is a choke away from a reitrement
Cards dont worry me either tbh, they remind me abit like the colts without luck, have pieces but not quite there yet.
I actually think jags and raiders will win 5-7 games this year, there drafts were great imo