Has a reason been given why they couldn't stand for 60 seconds?
Kind of - in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, they predominantly practice Wahhabi Islam, and they do not honour birthdays, deaths, etc.
It was a miscommunication, more than anything.
I think people need to remember, too, that this was a World Cup Qualifier - the stakes were high, and it was being televised all over the world.
Imagine the Saudi players - being pressured from one side to give a minute's silence, and being pressured by Saudi officials not to, in case the senior Saudi royalty saw it, and got upset.
The FFA admitted that they were approached by Saudi officials, who informed them that it is not in their culture to do so, and they would decline to partake.
The Saudi players still stayed on their half of the field; it's not like they totally disrespected the memories of the poor girls, unlike the imbeciles who were screaming during the minute's silence, which was totally bizarre.