Paul Williams ‎@dasher39
So 3500 people out of 22,000,000. That's 0.01% of the Australian population. The system is seriously flawed. https://twitter.com/wswnick/status/679185980520185856
Dean Rosario ‎@DeanRosario
@dasher39 900 households in Melb are meant to replicate the TV viewing of 4+million Melburnians! pic.twitter.com/1TwAHPLTXX
6:30 PM - 22 Dec 2015
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Paul Williams ‎@dasher39
So 3500 people out of 22,000,000. That's 0.01% of the Australian population. The system is seriously flawed. https://twitter.com/wswnick/status/679185980520185856
Dean Rosario ‎@DeanRosario
@dasher39 900 households in Melb are meant to replicate the TV viewing of 4+million Melburnians! pic.twitter.com/1TwAHPLTXX
6:30 PM - 22 Dec 2015
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