You'll owe me $50 soon
Wrong pronouns, punk
I don't find you particularly witty or intelligent, you are actually as you describe, even in your avatar. Boring Ad Hominen, no substance. I find AOC substantially more nuanced and intelligent than you, real talk. It's why she is who she is and you are a basement dwelling cummy. BTW it is HDA and if you subscribe to the doctrine you have to adhere. Otherwise get educated and come back to me.
*Sips Cummy's tears*
That's why we need young blood like AOC, if she woke up to herself she would be Trump's VP. Their end goal meets somewhere in the middle, horseshoe theoryOn the election I love how the lefties said Biden s age wasn't an issue and as soon as he pulled the pin they are after Trump for his age![]()
On the election I love how the lefties said Biden s age wasn't an issue and as soon as he pulled the pin they are after Trump for his age![]()
if she woke up to herself she would be Trump's VP.
Of course they're gonna. Biden's age was clearly an issue, even if it wasn't, why would they give Trump a free pass on it when clearly it's an issue with him as well.
They couldn't attack Trump over the age thing with Biden running, because well, that's f**king obvious. But now he's not why the f**k wouldn't they? It's just as valid.
Lmao there was nothing to see there a few months ago with Biden they were "cheap fakes".
Trump takes a bullet and is speaking more coherently than Biden in his prime a few days later. shutup kid, get a sense of humor too
Just love the hypocrisy in it all can't wait till the Orange mand or Harris win will be another 4 years of laughs...
Not even close#TrumpAOC same end goals, anything else is just brainwashed sheep perpetuating the establishment.
Horseshoe theory. You don't even know Supply and Demand theory so I can't expect you to understand it.
Hypocrisy in politics is over rated, it's almost expected. Without it you're left agreeing with your opposition every time they do something the same as you would have.