Does anyone think that perhaps.....
Planet earth been around for I dunno 5000 yrs. And we have had ice ages and the poles have reversed in the past.
We know earth spins around once in 24hrs and another cycle over 12mths around the sun. 2 cycles we are aware of.
Is there a larger one? Like our whole solar system perhaps has a cycle of maybe 10,000 years. And in that time the poles reverse, we heat up, we freeze up, all living species die. And we start again.
Perhaps after 7500yrs -10,000 yrs the planet EARTH is unhibital but between 0-1500 it all starts back up again. Just like a flower returning in spring before it dies in Autumn. Life can only exist between 1500 - 7500 yrs.
Why do people see everything as an individual existence rather then a connected organisim that perhaps we are......