I hadn't noticed but I'll be paying close attention from now on.Have you noticed the back of their heads are flat. What is with that? It isn't circular all the way.
Euphemism?You could chop an onion on the back of that head...
As a former member of the deep state I'll say that it obviously exists. The point is there's no grand conspiracies, just a couple of thousand impotent bureaucrats with similar worldviews and political imperatives, who wield significant influence as a collective herd.
But there's so much oversight merkins wouldn't dare organise to actively undermine democracy or whatever. They have too much to lose and are so useless they wouldn't trust themselves or their co-conspirators to achieve anything meaningful.
A movie about the deep state would need to be too interesting to be realistic.
On climate change are we thinking outside the box?
It seems we want ways to keep our capitalist lifestyles the same but by reducing energy .
We could reduce population or perhaps find a way to make humans smaller. We are getting bigger in size. Imagine we reverse the bigger is better attitude. And start shrinking. Imagine getting humans to 6 - 12 inches big. We would eat less, live in smaller houses and have smaller cars. Our consumption would be heavily reduced.
Possible? Unsure but worth looking into.
Newsletter sent to the exclusive members. Did you recieve a copy?Is Gary in Canberra yet
Finkel has flipped and flopped on many aspects of hydrogen as an energy source.Gas
Deep State FFS !
Finkel has flipped and flopped on many aspects of hydrogen as an energy source.
Nah, it was pretty transparent to all that us getting involved with ETimor was all about resources. Howards motivation was their sovereign oil and gas reserves. East Timor was our gulf war (which Howard also participated).East Timor says hi.
Enjoy your Chardiless Canberra Gaz.Newsletter sent to the exclusive members. Did you recieve a copy?