I despise shit religious people and wouldn't want them lauding something over me, but under these arrangements I don't think they would. I equally despise people from the left of politics who preach about unity and inclusiveness while practicing the exact opposite.
I don't see it as a gold ticket. I get the concerns that some people have but I think that they are overreaching when trying to highlight some of the injustices.
That's probably a better reason not to have it to be honest. That, and the fact that there really isn't a problem that needs fixing. I'd respond much better to this line of reasoning than the "its going to make life unfair for us non religious types" argument.
Now you're putting words in my mouth.
I never said it would make life unfair for "us" non religious types. I said I hate the idea of a right to discriminate being enshrined in law...
I have never been pregnant whilst employed, nor have I ever tried to sack someone who is pregnant so I'm not sure what the rules are on this. Can you sack someone for being pregnant?
As per section .340 of the Fair Work act you cannot. There are
no exceptions. It's covered under the General Protections.
But the exception is if you are not entitled to maternity leave (for eg you haven't worked long enough to be entitled to it). Then, your employer can terminate you after three months of unpaid leave. Therefore, you can be terminated because of your pregnancy.
Funny how the act explicitly states there are no exceptions, but then has a gaping loop hole that provides an exception.
That Act is ten years old and the Act it came from is from 1984, and that quite massive loophole still exists and is widely acknowledged....imagine the field day a lawyer might have defending (and creating a precedent) a scumbag under the Discrimination bill?