The Chinese have stolen a long March on us per the Solomons.
Australia would continue to cooperate with Solomons Islands on matters of security even if the Pacific island nation signs a proposed security agreement with China that Australia opposes, Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne said on Sunday.
And all we’ve asked them to do is not to sign it and are still willing to keep a security pact with them. It looks to me to be all out of control.
I can just see it now, Australian subs keeping the bustling naval port of Xin Hua safe from us and our allies.
Soon the big cash and infrastructure from the PRC will arrive and maybe trickle down into their economy, ten times the cash we give in the aid and all in our backyard.
Then a couple of the other islands get the same idea and soon we have the Pacific Cold War on our doorstep.
I don’t want to alarm anyone, but what happens if they want to install some serious weapons in the Solomons and we have a new Cuban crisis thing.
A bit like a re run of McHales Navy.
We were supposed to be a Deputy Sheriff and we’ve been at the donut shop for years.
As I said a few weeks ago, instead of begging these Gilligan Islanders, we should send over a few sorties of Raptors to send a message.
A symbol that we won’t be intimidated.
Then ask the usa to pony up and help them develop. Improve life for their people.
This is a big fat fail for Dutton and Australian Intelligence seemed to miss it completely. What’s our embassy doing over there?
Cold wars are expensive and take resources away from health and education.

The Mighty HMAS Parramatta- should send her up to the Solomons as an optic for the chief.
Hopefully our relations are better with our other neighbours down the back.