there are wealthy pedos right? ..... or do we believe epstein and his grooming squeeze were only doing it for epstein and horny prince andy? - no one else involved, nothing to see here ..... interesting how no one else ever got exposed after maxwell got found guilty - wonder why
Have you never heard the saying that absolute power corrupts absolutely? It exists for a good reason. And yet you want to label the people pointing out bad people doing bad things as nutters. Why were no visitors to Epstein island charged? Why aren't you concerned about that?
Unsure why the overlord Deep State topic has found sole focus on Epstein. Anyway so far the only link between victim and perpetrator that I know of is Prince Andrew and it seems that the civil case has been settled out of court (which is rumoured to be $US28m).
I guess the allegation now is that the FBI will fail to follow up and extradite Andy. From what I understand about the US system, their investigations are undertaken very much on the low down and then the evidence is tested behind closed doors via a Grand Jury. Time will tell if they have confidence of conviction as we all know that historical sexual assault is very hard to nail.
As for the other mekins in Maxwell’s black book or in Epstein’s flight logs, you don’t have to be Lionel Hutz to work out that circumstantial evidence is not enough to put anyone away. You will need victims, witnesses etc to achieve a beyond reasonable doubt conviction.
We in Australia have witnessed first hand how merkins can weasel and grift their way to avoid jail. Both of our high profile bishops who were found guilty by courts based on evidence gathered during the Royal Commission ultimately had their convictions overturned purely on the argument of reasonable doubt, notwithstanding actual witnesses attesting to their personal abuse.
An Australian court has overturned the conviction of former archbishop Philip Wilson on the grounds of reasonable doubt. Wilson had been the most senior cleric ever to be found guilty of covering up child sex abuse.
The former Vatican treasurer, who had been the highest-ranking Roman Catholic cleric ever found guilty of sexual abuse, was ordered released from prison, where he was serving a six-year sentence.
Thankfully some convictions stick here in Australia and in the USA where we have merkins like Harvey Weinstein in big house until 2040 earliest.
The former movie executive is not eligible for parole until 2040.
What ^^^^ does prove to me is that there is no deep state pulling the strings of society, but moreso that “justice” looks different to us normals compared to the cashed up who have bottomless $$$$ resources.
What seems to be lost here is the irony of the Sky News grab that I posted, where the Murdoch lady suggested that there was “a group of unelected faceless power brokers who really call the shots. There is a clandestine operation of individuals and organisations who have the power to influence elections, dictate foreign policy and control the economy for their own gain.”
Deep state ? Try Murdoch, fossil fuel lobby, gambling lobby, big pharma, gun lobby, environmental groups, big religion, gun lobby, international espionage via social media exploitation and manipulation and recently the antivax lobby. Everyone is having a turn to create noise, doubt and sway opinions through promoting falsehoods.
Call it for what it is, a bunch of non aligned greedy merkins who give no f**ks provided that they get what they want. It’s not a bunch of suits who meet every year at Davos to pool their thoughts and refine their cunning plan. It’s just a bunch of selfish agenda driven pricks that come from all sectors.