Pretty famous, absolute nut job.
He's the guy that pushed the Sandy hook false flag shit, got sued over it and lost to the tune of eleventy hundred million USD
Over a Trillion now. No seriously, it is. That kind of tell you what's going on in itself right?.
He admitted years before he went to trial that he got that wrong, but initially he thought that it may have been another false flag. He apologised and still they came after him. Their lawyers said it was about making sure that he went bankrupt so as he can not ever continue again. It was a kangaroo court, but It is a huge topic and in no way can this forum ever do it justice, so I leave it up to the individual that is seeking truth and unbiased insight to do their homework.
They have shown their hand though again. They aren't trying to silence Alex, they are trying to silence YOU!
I just don't get it. I understand that the propaganda machine is most powerful in the West, but seriously look around the world is on tilt and congressional hearing are allegedly nearly every day now exposing that there is a crime family in the White House who are being used to do us all over as the Dog head of power.
Surely everyone can now see the alleged corruption that stumblebum O'Biden and Co are up to their armpits in? And then there is the little money spinning distraction that is the Ukraine-Russian war, that up to last week was heading to a nuclear conclusion, but thankfully it seems that some sanity for now has put a hold on that for the time being. But we wait and see there.
I could be wrong, but if and when Trump gets the Republican nomination(they are trying to convict him so he can't. Banana Republican stuff right?), I expect the democrats will spear JFK jr(they have already shown their hand and are not going to have nominees this time around....hahaha...insane stuff what is supposed to be the greatest Republican democracy on the planet) and present Big Mike(Michelle) Obama as the great black hope to right the ship and save the world. If that happens, I think it will be within her first term that most will have the scales fall from their eyes, but as they say in the classics, to little to late. Game over man!
Your rights will be all but a memory. They will have won and the great plan will be in full swing. Just a few loose ends to sort out. But don't worry, you 'all will be safe cos Alex Jones was a nutter who kept going on about the sex trade of children and devil worshipers and you backed the right horse that will make sure you are in the big club. You will be allowed to own stuff too cos you're special.
The invitation is in the mail.