Yes, and paying your employees a livable wage is part of owning a business. If they can't sfford to do that then they should not be in business. There's no use having a job if the pay you receive isn't enough for you to live on. I have had very low paying jobs before, as an adult, where I couldn't scrape by. Got into debt. I had to move back in with my parents as an adult in order to pay off those debts. It wasn't me mismanaging money, I was just not getting paid enough to live properly.
Sure I could find another job that pays more. But, 1. That's not east to do, change careers and automatically begin earning more, and 2. Who's going to do the job I was leaving now? It's a job that's essential for the country to operate. So they get someone else in who also can't afford to live properly, and so on.
It's not as bad here in Australia than it is in the USA. At least we have some government help for thise struggling. Over there it's such a "I only care about me, f**k everyone else" mentality, and anything to help those in need is seen as 'evil communism'.