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OT: Current Affairs and Politics


You are yet to post the view of even one economist who supports your position that excessive immigration is the leading cause of the housing crisis.
I have, If you read any, or maybe use google and do it yourself. Do I need to teach you how to google?

If you read this one you will learn about something elementary, supply and demand. But entirely revolving around our excessive migration, from an economist, with even more data because you are a gluton for punishment.

Diddums you just finished yourself

The chief AMP economist

You are done mate, Albo has even cut it. Are you done?


*Sips whiskey*

(Also you chose a really boring topic to get riled up about when you are demonstrably wrong)
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Staff member
If you read this one you will learn about something elementary, supply and demand. But entirely revolving around our excessive migration, from an economist, with even more data because you are a gluton for punishment.

From that article.

In a column for the Australian Financial Review, Mr Richardson wrote that while migration was adding to the problem, the root cause was the fact 'our overly regulated and high-cost [housing] supply side has spectacularly failed demand'.

Seems Mr Richardson agrees with me, and disagrees with the premise that immigration is the cause.

Diddums you just finished yourself

Well, not according to the above source you so kindly provided.


Staff member
Now fair cop the first bloke puts it squarely at the feet of immigration, so there's one who agrees with you,

Shane Oliver goes a bit further saying that demand not meeting supply is multifaceted, however he does emphasise immigration as an issue, but takes it back to 2000 and argues again that there are supply side problems with not keeping up with population growth. So essentially he's sitting in between the two other opinions.

So really I'd say all you've proven there is that if you get three economists together you'll get three different opinions.

But hey, kudos for at least finally posting something in an attempt to support your opinion.


Staff member
Whilst the French are pissed, they must have realised that voting in the far right would not have great outcomes.



if you make the allegation, it's up to you to source it, not someone else
Hello dear friend, that is very true! I have read all these articles ad nauseam over the years and everything I have said is reconfirmed in every link I've posted. The warnings were not heeded by Albo with his insatiable appetite for economic growth to pretend we are not in a recession and now he has bitten the bullet himself. I never said anything about leading economists until he wanted some. Feel free to find something I've said that conflicts with these views! You will find I am nothing more than consistent, I don't have to source anything I have learnt unless it is a direct quote or I am asked for something specific. I can actually give you more leading economists if you wish but my work on this topic is done. Grade me now Professor Cumwagon!

God bless you Bandwagon, have a fantastic day!

*Sips whiskey"*


Staff member
Hello dear friend, that is very true! I have read all these articles ad nauseam over the years and everything I have said is reconfirmed in every link I've posted. The warnings were not heeded by Albo with his insatiable appetite for economic growth to pretend we are not in a recession and now he has bitten the bullet himself. I never said anything about leading economists until he wanted some. Feel free to find something I've said that conflicts with these views! You will find I am nothing more than consistent, I don't have to source anything I have learnt unless it is a direct quote or I am asked for something specific. I can actually give you more leading economists if you wish but my work on this topic is done. Grade me now Professor Cumwagon!

God bless you Bandwagon, have a fantastic day!

*Sips whiskey"*

Well again mate, what we find from those three articles is that for the most part they support my original position in reference to your idiotic assertion that the current crises is the doing of the current government, and that it is driven primarily by migration.

I'll revisit what I posted for clarity....
Fancy how ignorant you'd have to be to believe that the current housing affordability problem, that has been building for at least a coupla decades was caused by immigration over the last 18 months or so.

The housing shortage isn't a shortage of housing, it's a shortage of affordable housing. And affordability is a result of decades of policy, not a coupla years, only a dullard would attempt to contend otherwise.

Now on the first paragraph, despite your assertions, all three of the economists you source say exactly that, that it is neither new, nor caused by the current government.

On the second, in those articles both Richardson and Oliver agree, your inability to understand the concept aside.

As for the immigration angle, I gladly conceded it put pressure on housing, but it's not the major issue. Supply is, and particularly the supply of affordable housing. Richardson and Oliver both note this, Oliver calls for less immigration until the supply side issues are showing signs of easing. That's not because immigration is the problem, it is because slowing immigration is the easiest short term means by which to reduce pressure within the market.

On my claim that it is an affordability crises rather than anything else, you'll note that is what Oliver's entire article is about, affordability, it literally starts with the line..........


For years now there has been much discussion about poor housing affordability in Australia but debate about how immigration contributes to this issue is often lacking. For a country with abundant land, it’s ironic that housing affordability is so poor.

So as we can see, not only is your assertion of blaming the current government for the current situation demonstrably wrong, of the sources you purport to support your position, two out of three don't.
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Staff member
if you make the allegation, it's up to you to source it, not someone else
I never said anything about leading economists until he wanted some.

Yeah nah..............

just a rabid rant from someone with a minority opinion on all sides of the spectrum who thinks he knows more than economists

Right there mate, your claim.

Take a hint, not everyone here has the memory of a goldfish.


Bumwagon, it is still supported because for years Albanese didn't listen to the experts and he actually ramped it up to over half a million which is a controllable choice to pretend we are not in a recession. He has even yet to be seen to reduce it even though he claims he will. My goldfish memory remembers in one of the articles a LEADING economist claims that it is going to perhaps go down much slower than projected anyway so it's going to take years. Who the f**k ramps up immigration in the middle of a housing supply and rental crisis? It is the worst it has been in Australia for renters the most vulnerable (See above articles on supply and the amount they have increased since Covid). It is unprecedented. What was rental price to income affordability ratio under Abbott and the rental availability when he left office? I guarantee you it was night and day but since you live in a basement you don't know where to even start.

Immigration has also been too high for a long time Bumwagon, but your PM and party in power again favored economic growth over vulnerable people. Disgusting. Cop it on the chin sweetheart and talk about something more interesting for a change.

*Sips whiskey*




The housing shortage isn't a shortage of housing, it's a shortage of affordable housing.
BTW if I have a memory of a goldfish why did I remember this from the start of your "argument"? I again said this made you not credible, and you recently said you didn't say it. Here it is. Page 961. You are just furiously salivating all over your keyboard and making it up as you go. If I had more time for less important things you would curl up in a little Cumwagon ball.

So I admitted to being wrong about the thing I didn't say? That seems a little silly mate. Are you quite sure?
There it is, you said it. Time for your meds little goldfish. Maybe ask Biden what he uses.

*Sips whiskey*

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Staff member
What was rental price to income affordability ratio under Abbott and the rental availability when he left office?

Slightly more than when under Gillard, and slightly tighter respectively. Is your point that you are beginning to grasp the issue has been an issue for some years?

I again said this made you not credible, and you recently said you didn't say it.

No, you re-interpreted what I said in order to find a strawman, womp womp.

You can't even point to other countries, it is very sad

Why would I need or even want to point to other countries? They're irrelevant.

for years Albanese didn't listen to the experts

Years? There's that goldfish memory of yours again, Immigration restarted under The Morrison government, the Albanese government wasn't elected until May 2022, they've literally only been in government for 2 years.

See it's this kind of obvious shit-f**kery in your arguments that lends them so easily to ridicule.

Immigration has also been too high for a long time Bumwagon, but your PM and party in power again favored economic growth over vulnerable people. Disgusting.

Ahh great, so it's not a recent phenomenon, welcome to reality Mr Sips semen. So given that the only reason we have immigration in any real numbers is for economic growth, and as I demonstrated with the articles I posted the housing affordability crisis was news right through the previous governments term, you'll level the same criticism at Abbott, Turnbull, and Morrisson?


Mr Cummy's post read very similar to Gronk's. Coincidence?


*Sips whiskey*

P.s m8, there was no reinterpretation. You literally concluded with that in an initial post. At least you are learning on the go kid

BTW I care little about all of those PM's bar one and again.... Quote incoming..


Housing and rental prices and availability have always been a problem, so that means that no one has the solution and different economic conditions at any time don't change and the markets don't get objectively more worse than others. Something, something, right wing people only need housing, racism - Cumwagon School of Economics: Self Indulgent Masturbatory Theory of Supply and Demand summarized


*Sips Whiskey*
No one said it had never been unreasonable, it is now cruel. Albo is halving immigration, but he won't. What do you think about him doubling it and admitting that was a bit too idiotic given leading economists recommendations?