Are we as passionate about politics as the yanks though.
For some Americans the politics for some is like what Sport is for us.
Yes, some of us are that passionate and I've witnessed it and spoken out against it. Not all of us are, much like all the Americans who didn't vote.
I spoke at a large gathering some time ago when I was VP of our Chamber of Commerce and pretty much everyone up here was a Nat and even the local member National Party member attended most events.
There was an upcoming election and I spoke about local issues and that people should be considering them before they cast their vote and stop following their preferred party like it was a football team, as that is how passionate most, or all attendees were.
They literally didn't give a f**k about policies, as long as their "team" was voted in at state and federal elections.
Soon after I was nominated for president of our local chamber because I was non partisan, so it made a lot of people think.
That said, Its much worse nowadays, we are becoming like the yanks in that a lot of life's issues are based on whether you are left or right leaning and that is very apparent when reading people's posts here.
There is a lot of support here for a convicted felon rapist from another country, but hey, he bats for your team and that's all that matters, although I'm not sure how anyone could support either.
Politics is poison.