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OT....Snakes 1 - Morons 0 ... Own Goal ___ HaHaHaHa


You know how it takes all types to make the world go around.

Well I've always considered this mob even dumber than a Stains supporter. I know its hard to believe but it is true.

i've always rooted for the snakes. GO THE SNAKES.

to read article

Snake-handling pastor dies of snakebite...

A US preacher who handled snakes for years to prove faith in God has died of what witnesses say was a timber rattler's bite.

Mark Randall "Mack" Wolford was a pastor at Apostolic House of the Lord Jesus in West Virginia. A photographer and a relative tell media outlets the bite occurred during a service at Panther State Forest.

He died on Tuesday at Bluefield Regional Medical Centre.

Neither the hospital nor a funeral home handling arrangements would confirm the cause of death, and relatives didn't return phone or email messages overnight.

Officials at Cravens-Shires Funeral Home said Mr Wolford's family had asked that the cause of death be withheld.

The state medical examiner refused comment.

bull shark

From http://www.iol.co.za/news/world/snake-handling-preacher-dies-after-bite-1.1309306#.T8gd7lLbdhE :
"Although most Appalachian states have outlawed snake-handling, it remains legal but rare in West Virginia.
Wolford acknowledged that last year, telling the magazine his mother was the only relative who still followed the tradition.
Her husband died of a rattlesnake bite at age 39 in 1983." - Sapa-AP

Ha Ha Ha. Stupidity clearly runs in the family.
On the other hand, I wonder if he's got any kids. If not then he has certainly done a great thing for the gene pool and deserves a Darwin award. (http://www.darwinawards.com/)


Farkkk me dead I didn't know Bubby was tied up with this mob.

It's his farkennnn backin' band in the con-gree-gation.


They obviously don't believe in under arm deoderant in them thar parts either.