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Overrated Panthers

Who is the most overrated panthers you have ever seen

  • Chris Hicks

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Justin Holbrook

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • David Greene

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Paul Smith

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Others,Specify

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Big Mick

I'll be honest, I didn't think Holbrook was that bad. I thought he was a bit green but he had potential.

Big Mick

Jorgo on the other hand.............was useless..............and halted the progress of Rhys Wesser.


.This is the type of subject that I refuse to get into on this forum.

I won't discuss why I do or do not like certain players, mainly because
Big Mick and I disagree on just about everybody, and I'm not going to
give him even more fodder to bag out the players that I like.

The way he rudely insults the players that he doesn't like gets up my nose,
so I choose to stay right out of it.


Big Mick

Good for you MP.

I don't remember when I havn't agreed or have agreed with you, particularly on this issue, but its nice you keep tabs on every movement someone makes.

By the way, you got a problem with me, PM me so I can correct it, but posting a message like that in a forum wont make me change, right now your concerns don't mean anything to me. If you'd PMed me with your problems, thats a different story.

Big Mick

And If I give you fodder? whatever that is...... Go ahead, list the players you dislike, I wont say a word.


First Grade
Yeah I don't like topics like this either because it disappoints me when I read fans bagging out their own players. But Matt Adamson is an entirely different story. :lol: It wasn't his playing though it was the way he left the club that got up my nose.


First Grade
Mentioning Matty Rodwell though - that guy's fat percentage was just about zero. God he had some muscle and he is a top bloke too. :D



By the way, you got a problem with me, PM me so I can correct it, but posting a message like that in a forum wont make me change, right now your concerns don't mean anything to me. If you'd PMed me with your problems, thats a different story

Geez......could you be any more touchy ?

First off I'm not real fussed about whether you care what I think or not, because the feeling is mutual actually, and I'm an individual, so I'm not real fussed what anyone thinks of me as I don't need the approval of others to get through the day.

Also, I fail to see how I said anything that was worthy of a PM. I did not insult you, or bag you out, and I sure as hell didn't ask you to change anything about yourself, I simply passed the comment that you and I disagree on just about every player (as to who we like or dislike and why), and that I don't like the way you insult the players you don't like, so I have chosen not to name the ones that I like, so that I don't have to read your insults towards them too.

Just a few examples:-

Matt Rodwell. Dead set bloody hopeless.
Jorgo on the other hand.............was useless
Hicks sucked harder than a vacuum.

What's the big bloody whoop ?

Am I only allowed to mention your name if I'm praising you to buggery like your new best mate over at PI ??? :roll:

You should go to the NRL forum, and read some of the horrible things that you say about other posters and then come back and read mine again.

God, I was almost gushing over you........by comparison that is.... :roll:



I don't like these threads either.

Holbrook, from memory, was a signing from Newcastle, and he just simply was not up to NRL standard when he was halfback - but he tried hard enough. Hardly overrated.

I thought that Rodwell did all right - but he only got a start because the "Gower at hooker" experiment was still in vogue at the time.

And Jorgenen was the best we had at the time - Wesser didn't exactly set the world on fire when he first made the top flight, he was almost cut by Penrith.

Big Mick

my new best mate over at PI?

What the hell are you on about.

I quit being a mod on this site because of that guy, so why don't you get your bloody facts straight!

I don't give a shit if you praise me or bag me, but to say "I'm not gonna post my opinion because this other person and I don't agree" is just f**king childish and stupid.

If you can't take a joke about the players, then you seriously have no sense of humour.

I don't care who you like or dislike, post them, I really couldn't give a stuff. I'll say what I feel like saying, if I don't like someone i just wont sit back and let them get to me, i'll bloody well say something.


First Grade
Matty Rodwell was the best half at that time PP. It wasnt his fault, it was the whole team - they just couldnt seem to click together and nothing went right for them. I can remember the hammering that poor guy received on the old guest book. Does anyone remember when he came on (im think it was him) and mentioned that he and the players didnt go out there not to try and not to win. And then the hammering he received after that. :shock:

I remember thinking at the time is it or is it not him. With RW confirming it was and then reading a while later an article on Satts about the website and he also confirmed that one of the players had gone on and copped a bucket load I knew for sure then.

Does anyone remember that english fan that use to come on to PI and update me on Matty Rodwell because I expressed interest? He was one of the rare ones that appreciated him and told me how him and his family were abused verbally and physically by some English fans (something to that effect anyway) - he didnt deserve that and then a couple of weeks later or it could have been before that he was an absolute champion in their eyes. It could have been before because not long after he was abused I think he may have left that English club for his family's safety. I'm not sure but I wish I could remember. :(

It saddens me seeing and hearing that sort of behaviour - I could never act that way.



Caged Panther,

This is not degenerating into anything unless Mick chooses to make it so.

I have so far said nothing that anyone could possibly take offence to, except the possibility that as mick is insisting.....I may have mistaken someone at PI for him.

Huge coincidence thoough it might seem that there are 2 Big Mick's, if that is true then I apologise for the mistaken identity, but it was an understandable mistake given the identical nature of the names.

But I certainly do not take back anything else that I said because not one single word of it is in the slightest bit offensive in any way. Mick if you choose to be testy and sensitive enough to take it that way, then so be it, that is not my fault.

"I'm not gonna post my opinion because this other person and I don't agree" is just f***ing childish and stupid

Excuse me but at the age of 45, I do not engage in childish and stupid behaviour.
I was exercising my adult right to not participate in a particular thread, and I just happened to choose to explain my reason for it. If that reason happened to be because of something you said that I didn't like, I do not see why you have taken that to be such a big issue. It's not like it's the first time someone didn't like a comment that you have made. Why do you seem to be so upset by it ?

I'll say what I feel like saying, if I don't like someone i just wont sit back and let them get to me, i'll bloody well say something.

This comment I don't quite get. If you mean that you don't like me so you will not sit back and you will say something. Go right ahead, it won't bother me any.

But if you meant that you will not sit back if you don't like a player, and will speak out, then go right ahead also. And if you wish to continue to insult them, then that is your choice, I'm still at a loss as to where you think I ever suggested otherwise ?

And I shall continue to either participate or not in any future threads, whichever way I choose at the time, and sometimes I will state the reasons why, and sometimes I won't. It will all depend how I feel at the time.

If you can't take a joke about the players, then you seriously have no sense of humour.

Matt Rodwell. Dead set bloody hopeless.
Jorgo on the other hand.............was useless
Hicks sucked harder than a vacuum.

I'm sorry.......I may seem quite thick to you.........but I don't quite see where the humour is in the above comments.

Feel free to point out where it is to me.......if you can.


Big Mick

I did have a post here, but I edited it.

I couldn't be bothered arguing over something so very very minor.

Apologies, but I just didn't want to see u holding back because I'm in the thread. That was my concern in my first post, hence the reason I wanted you to PM.
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