I just don't think Ovo was a valuable asset to our board, he was more just part of the furniture, and whilst i agree that everyother member who has contributed to the clubs demise should be held accountable, as chairman he should've done more in the past to curb fitzys arrogance.
One question Bazal, would you have liked Ovo to be retained? and if so why
I would have, yes. Until the next election for sure. He did a lot for the clubs relationship with the fans, especially over the past few years when Fitzy was really going off the rails. He was the one who came down and spoke for several hours to that truckie and his mates. He's the one who joined this sh*tty, negative, brick-headed forum and spoke to us about some of our issues. He's the one you'd be able to easily find to have a chat to at the games and who would diligently and kindly listen to your concerns. He's the one who essentially stopped Parra Stadium from becoming more cheer free, colour free, fun free wasteland. He is an eloquent man and I (like Stagger, it seems) always got the impression that he was trying to be something of a tempering influence in a board room that was essentially Fitzy's plaything.
But of course, so many people only heard of him two months ago through Josh Massouds petty little campaign, so like Josh they assume he's one of Fitzy's mindless little minions