Someone hasn't seen the cruel shit that Orcas do to their prey. When thy catch seals they'll drag them down by their tails, drowning them a bit and then release them and rinse/repeat for a while. Pretty badass.
Yeah, I knew they were badasses, but was still stunned to find out on a Discovery or Animal Planet show a couple of years back that they "pop" penguins out of their skin. Can't remember how exactly, but seeing a skinless penguin floating around in the water was pretty disturbing, even though I'm generally pretty unflappable.
If there was a Wellington franchise started up, I'd certainly join up. As far as franchise name goes, Wellington Orca would be my preference due to the local history as well as aforementioned badassery of the animal!
Not sure about Wellington Weta, the significance is all well and good, but it doesn't quite sound right as a sportsteam for some reason.