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Parramatta Eels tackle homophobia


With some of the posts on here, it proves just how much the world needs causes like this.

Captain BF

The only problem i have with this is that it still needs to be a cause at all. Surely by now homosexuality should be considered as normal as heterosexuality.

I honestly can't see how anyone can link homosexuality to rape and peodphilia.
The only problem i have with this is that it still needs to be a cause at all. Surely by now homosexuality should be considered as normal as heterosexuality.

I honestly can't see how anyone can link homosexuality to rape and peodphilia.

I don't think being gay is normal. It's abnormal.

And why should we consider to it be normal??


Staff member
I don't think being gay is normal. It's abnormal.

And why should we consider to it be normal??


Parra Guru

lol at some of the posts in this thread. Coupling homosexuality with paedophilia?? Really people, get educated.

Just goes to show that they do need a cause for homophobia.


each to their own. i have met plenty of gay, lesbian and transgendered people who i have a hell of a lot of respect for and i like spending time with. i might not share the same views on their lifestyle or orientation (and yes there is a scientific argument for why it isn't right) but i honestly don't care as long as it isn't forced on someone that doesn't share that opinion as the norm or affect someone else's life or future (i am not a big believer in same sex couples parenting children).

there's no need to discriminate against someone for their orientation as they may well be better more useful people in society than anyone of us that is hetro orientated.


Post Whore
I think most people accept homo's now-I mean most people have better things to worry about in there life to care what someone else is doing.
The whole thought to me is disgusting-A man putting his pee pee into another mans bum hole but it doesnt realy bother me if thats what they want to do i guess there not hurting anyone.
Someone who rapes or abuses someone is the real twig.I stilll aint sure why we just dont slice grubs like that balls off.Im sure it would stop it.Having a few friends who where abused i can see how much it has effected there life.


Staff member
some people suffer from paranoia, not phobia

some kiddie fiddlers are heteros, yet I dont hear them mentioned, just the gays


Homophobia is often a sign of latent homosexuality...I believe a few people on here need to have a bit of a think about themselves!!!


Staff member
some people suffer from paranoia, not phobia

some kiddie fiddlers are heteros, yet I dont hear them mentioned, just the gays

FMD the clergy cause more damage to our children than gay men ever do.


I think most people accept homo's :roll: now-I mean most people have better things to worry about in there life to care what someone else is doing.
The whole thought to me is disgusting-A man putting his pee pee into another mans bum hole but it doesnt realy bother me if thats what they want to do i guess there not hurting anyone.
Someone who rapes or abuses someone is the real twig.I stilll aint sure why we just dont slice grubs like that balls off.Im sure it would stop it.Having a few friends who where abused i can see how much it has effected there life.

I think you just kind of excited yourself writing that, didn't you?

Casper The Ghost

First Grade
The major point in this discussion is all about LOVE.
LOVE does not need to be labelled as homosexuality, heterosexuality, bisexuality, transexuality, etc.
When we get past LOVE we end up in the rules of the divide where one herd mentality is pitted against another.

When we see two men holding hands loving each other this is LOVE. It has got nothing to do with homosexuality just as a man and a woman holding hands has nothing to do with heterosexuality. It is just love. Attaching labels to everything pits us against each other because people become righteous about whichever label they belong to. Out of righteousness comes arrogance and ignorance and all the harm, discrimination, etc. Because of the general loss of love between men and women, discrimination has become prevalent in all areas of "The System". We have forgotten love and this show up in the greed and selfishness, the rich and the poor, the $30 million mansions and the cardboard boxes, the dog-eat-dog, survival-of-the-fittest system most struggle under.

When we remember love, we will not need causes and campaigns for the forgotten and the harmed because every one will be equal and no one will be discriminated against or, most importantly, displaced from land, their natural inheritance where they can grow food, have access to clean water and make shelter.

This is why I said this whole thing about anti-homophobia is bullshit. It ignores the bigger picture of the lack of love throughout "The System" which is why most are suffering. Just as people forget about the murdered chicken when they tuck into their roast, so we forget about the real cause of all discrimination and harm which is this system of slavery that we live under. Each group can fight for rights, recognition, etc, but, while we are under a system that is all about division and separation, we will never have a world of love where we stand up for and care for each other, no matter who we are.

How to stop discrimination? Community immunity.

Rather than focus on someone's sexuality, why not focus on how to stop abuse, homelessness, poverty, hunger, rape, pillage and plunder, whatever the label anyone wears and how to create true freedom, truth, abundance, joy and do no harm for ALL. Currently, love is buried under all the labels. If we all honoured and served love, there would be no need for labels, no more chaos, war, destruction, etc.