Vlad wants many Bankwest Stadiums with 20,000 capacity.
Ignore Gus, of course he always wanted this setup before everyone else.
hybrid ?
Twiz, as you know there is a lot of beef with combustible cladding and here in NSW buildings have to have their cladding certified. How the f**k can a timber 20+ floor building obtain fire certification ? External sprinkler / mist systems ?
They’re going to need a good carpenter for this one @Suitman .
The worlds tallest “hybrid” timber tower is to be built at central station.
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Beam 18 is made of Victorian Ash. This hardwood is listed in the Fire Properties Group Number 3 and its bushfire resistance makes it suitable for BAL-12.5 and 19 (door and window joinery only).
Beam 21 is available in both Forest Reds and Spotted Gum. Spotted Gum is considered a bushfire resistant timber up to and including BAL-29 while Forest Red Gum is rated for BAL categories of 12.5 and 19. Based on the Building Code of Australia’s Early Fire Hazard indices, its spread of flame and smoke develop indexes sit low at 3 in a scale of 10.
Also, the major structural components will be glu-lam beams which have very good fire resistance. It doesn't mean they won't burn. It just means it takes a lot to get them burning. By that time, the smoke/heat detectors and sprinkler systems would have done their job.
its not a bad way to build actually very low fire indices and spread of flame index, so while its flammable its very slow burning, it will have sprinklers but it will only have smoke detection if its residential or over 25 metres high
it was on the news tonight and from what they showed it looks to be naturally vented ie: no air conditioning, be a pain in the arse in summer as solar passive design does not get below ambient, so on a 35 degree day, its 35 degrees inside, be interesting to have a closer look
the vegetation on the roof and other levels is no doubt for the onsite water disposal
its not a bad way to build actually very low fire indices and spread of flame index, so while its flammable its very slow burning, it will have sprinklers but it will only have smoke detection if its residential or over 25 metres high
it was on the news tonight and from what they showed it looks to be naturally vented ie: no air conditioning, be a pain in the arse in summer as solar passive design does not get below ambient, so on a 35 degree day, its 35 degrees inside, be interesting to have a closer look
the vegetation on the roof and other levels is no doubt for the onsite water disposal
"the world’s tallest hybrid timber tower
that will operate on 100 per cent renewable energy."
Atlassian unveils plans for its new Sydney headquarters
Atlassian has outlined the design for its new $1 billion-plus headquarters, the world’s tallest hybrid timber building to date, which will consume half the carbon in construction and half the energy of a conventional equivalent building after its planned opening in 2025.
The locally based, Nasdaq-listed software company has confirmed plans for its 180-metre, 40-storey Sydney office tower – first reported by The Australian Financial Review in February – and revealed a steel and glass skeleton will wrap around the building divided into different vertical zones.
New York-based SHoP Architects and local firm BVN Architecture have designed the tower, which will rise above the historic Inward Parcels Shed next to Sydney’s Central Station. It will be the flagship project in a NSW government-backed technology precinct that will eventually link Ultimo with Redfern on the CBD’s southern edge.
It will sit next to the $2.5 billion Central Place Sydney project, a twin tower development by Dexus and Frasers Property Australia.
Atlassian will be the major tenant, with 4000 staff in the tower that is likely to be owned fully or partly by a third-party investor. The YHA will take up lower floors to accommodate 480 beds and the parcels shed, which currently functions as a YHA backpackers’ hostel, will be converted into public space.
“This will be home to thousands of workers and the best new ideas,” Atlassian co-founder and co-chief executive Scott Farquhar said.
“If you want to work in tech – this is the place you will want to be.”
Atlassian declined to confirm the construction cost – likely to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars – or the end value, which on Sydney office values alone would likely be more than $1 billion. Development applications will be lodged in coming months, with construction due to begin next year. A builder has not yet been appointed.
The building will be divided into neighbourhoods, or “habitats”, BVN co-CEO Ninotschka Titchkosky said.
The tower is a hybrid timber building, as it will have steel-and-concrete floor plates dividing the habitats, each of which is four or five storeys high.
“The big challenge with timber buildings is fire compartmentation and structural loading,” Ms Titchkosky said.
Each of the habitats will be constructed of Glulam timber columns and beams and cross-laminated timber floor slabs. Each habitat will have its own garden sitting.
The steel and glass facade will generate its own electricity, while also being able to shade the building.
NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian said it was fitting for Atlassian to have its headquarters in Sydney.
“Tech Central will rival Silicon Valley as the place to be,” Ms Berejiklian said. “This means more jobs and opportunities for all of our citizens.”
Mr Farquhar said the project would help the state and the nation bounce back from the impact of COVID-19 and that even in an era when an increasing number of people are working from home, offices were crucial.
“Even with a highly distributed workforce, we’ll need a place to come together,” he said. “Now we can design this space especially for these new ways of working.”
Computer rooms dont much like moistureThis is all very interesting to me. Our (commercial strata building) in the city has a fire order on it and it needs to be dragged out of the 50’s into the 2020’s. There is a bit of argy bargy between our fire engineers and SCC. We are looking at putting a new EWIS plus a system in called Aquamist. It’s never been used before, so we are breaking new soil. Traditionally it’s been used by computer rooms etc. it has been installed throughout the National Archive.
We’re not going to get much change out of $3m.