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Paul Sculthorpe=plastacene Man


Paul Sculthorpe, Inglands carbon copy of Andrew johns tastes defeat once again in his international career.

plastacene man tried valiently to defend Inglands national pride.

What Ingland need more of is some Irish boys.

One Irish guy? C'mon!!!!!

And just who is this internation man of mystery Danny McGuire ?
Was Ingland hingeing its entire chances on just one fella?

Is plastacene man in grave danger of having this new kid on the block Danny McGuire take over his role?

Was there too much expectation placed on this Danny McGuire ?
He didn't show me nothing! Ya hear? nada!

Hear the commentator? He goes "We don't want to seem desperate....Let's not rush him on right now...Give him a few more minutes then bring him on."

Yer, bring him on when the games over!

And what of Sean Long? Was it or was it not that Mr Long appeared to have a immitation Beckham hair-do like Lockyer does?
Had Long not looked like some thing out of ABBA he may have played a better game.

What's with the British guys?
Are they taking a leaf out of Cayless's books?

First Vainakola looks like Serena williams or Boney M Then The man version of Shirley temple appears with Langley for Bradford.
Now Sean Long looks like a Norwegian beauty salon hair mosturizer wet boy.
Even Mr Andy Farrel had a goldie locks flow going on.

Bad news Ingland......It only gets worse...I heard that Morley is applying for Australian citizenship and that he has full intensions of playing for Australia.

But Mr plastascene man himself.....What can i say about him?
All i can think of, is that he's still a carbon copy of Joey Johns.

Are Grate Britan planning on playing US again are they ?
Don't they get it?
Do they want us to beat up on'em some more?
I think we can accomodate them in another ass kicking.

NZ will steam roll'em in the first half in the next game anyway.

P.S. If i must pay harmage to a Inglesh player from the other night it would have to be some one that didn't have hair like a girl so i'd have to say that Gleeson is a player on the rise.
But he was one of the Marx brothers wasn't he?

That's what i forgot to mention.

If Scully, I mean Plastascene man wants to taste victory for once then i suggest that he join Union and only then he may taste some sweet succees.
Until then if he furthers his career in league i see nothing in an advantage for him.
He could come down here and emulate Morley.

We DO mould those Bratash boys into better players.

No wonder you British people are full on alcoholics.
You all love to drown your sorrows in alky

You've all probably still got massive hang overs from the other night.

GB Lion

Learn to spell man, Please!!


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You say the british are all alcholics, i think you had too much "ALKY" when you wrote this! #-o


You muppet :lol:

and the deal with Morley applying for residency (not citizenship) doesn't mean he's available for Aus, it just means he won't have to apply for a visa every year

"I got misquoted," he said. "All I said was I would like to go for residency, which is a different thing.

"It just means you don't need a visa to come and go. Citizenship means you actually become an Aussie. I wouldn't like to do that because I'm a proud Brit.

"The press got hold of it and said 'Mozza wants to become an Aussie, he wants to play for Australia' which is total nonsense.

"I'd love to play State of Origin to see if I could handle that kind of environment, but if they said I would have to give up playing for Great Britain that's one thing I could never do."


I hear that Gary Scholfield is coming out of his retirement village to play for Ingland in the up coming game against No Zayland.

Keep trying British boys.

If you'd pay more attention to league than F'n Soccer then maybe you'd have a chance.

You guys don't deserve to even play against us!

And while we're at it....Why don't you British boys come down here for a change?

Your Widnes (West Indys) Widnes team can't even beat our West Tigers team.

And you steal all our players with offers of money they can't refuse.

What's a matter don't you have junior leagues over there? Or are they all prefering to play sucker for Locomotive or A.C. Moron.......Running out of names are we? What next the Dublin doodlers?


Oh and one more question. Why do you play sucker all year round? Don't you get tired of sucker?


:lol: :lol:

You obviously no nothing mate, this has got to be a wind up
Your avatar says it all though - "Thick and Soft" :lol:

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