What's his title, Editor in chief at large or some such dribble? Sounds like the title they gave Mike Moore in Frontline.Buzz fails basic arithmetic. 8+8=18
The grog had obviously kicked in by then or perhaps never left his systemBuzz fails basic arithmetic. 8+8=18
Was it the comb that comes with one of the treatments for crabs?Gotta laugh, watched NRL 360 last night, and he thought for a moment the camera was not on him.Got sprung combing his hair(singular) with some sort of rake.
The hair is not the problem,it's the cranium.
Transplant options available anywhere?
Don’t think he ever went off it. On 360 after about 15 minutes he breaks out in a cold sweat. Probably withdrawals.
Must be on the drink again
And now a puff piece on Matty Johns show about Buzz being a rugby league tragic and “grass roots” because he sits in the stands and not the corporate box lol