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PI Get Togethers

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First Grade
If you want to join any of the get togethers with some of the PI's Panther Army go to www.beersquad.cjb.net and visit their forum and get all the information you need from the Get Together thread.

There are 2 to be enjoyed.

This Saturday 25th October at Nepean River for a couple of games of footy & cricket, a picnic style lunch & lots of alcohol.

15th November at TC's Panthers. Starting around 6.00ish and ending whenever you cannot stand up anymore. :D

If you want to join us, let us know thru the Beersquad site's forum and we will look forward to meeting up with you.

Cheerio all


First Grade
What ever happened to the Goon squad?

I heard they created quite a stir out there on the Panthers website for a while, until big Rob wielded his majic finger.

Caged Panther

First Grade
Rob was always a little paranoid about libelous material being posted on the website. The reason spate of closures of league forums arising from the fear of prosecution has just justifed his position and certainly strengthened the basis he had for making such decisions. But in all seriousness what did the girdettes do to be zapped?

Oh well not to worry, this was a pretty quite forum glad to see its finally coming to life.


First Grade
He wouldnt reveal why in the email to me when i asked. But to a few other people when they asked him privately

To 1. I was a problem and campaigning a `anti Rob' group.
To 2. I am a puppeteer
To 3. It would be against my martydom to reveal information that he had previously given to me about the girls being able to get back onto the site when it is up and running again for next season.
To. 4. I made a Federal Case about the Girds thread being pulled so there fore i was canned because of that.

All of which is untrue. I accepted the fact the thread had gone and encouraged the girls not to be sad and come back and post again. I even replied with that we wanted to work with the site and not become a problem and we were putting our heads together to work on solutions so we wouldnt have another gigantic thread again.

Apparently that is enough to get me banned.

After i got banned i had quite a bit of support from the ones that could tell that i was banned. If they mentioned my name they were zapped. If they mentioned the thread they were zapped. If they mentioned the Beer Squad site which is where i had headed to, they were zapped.

Of course after all this...then it got heated on my part. But i did it all thru the Beersquad site not on the panthers site. And it was after i got banned...not before.

Petty stuff really. Got over it after the 2nd day, even when we were still being harrassed in our chat room by the GOD Squad.

Anyway we got a new forum set up in the Beersquad site and it is a lot more cheerful now so i am and everyone that posts there are as happy as.


Yeah PK,

Finally we have a place where we can feel relaxed enough to vent our feelings and opinions on just about anything (within reason of course), and know that there won't either be a flood of people demanding that we produce the proof to back up our opinions, or people calling us morons and d**kheads etc because we don't agree with them, and we know that we won't be getting banned simply because our opinions don't agree with the powers-that-be, or we happen to question some of their decisions.

Even on this forum there are still people who resort to some disgusting name calling, and denigration of a person's name, home town, career choice, lifestyle etc, simply because they disagree with another person's opinions. That is why I rarely post here, and why I NEVER post on the PI site.

Yep. life is much more relaxed and fun these days at the Beer Squad website. And that is where I will be venting my spleen from now on, whether it be for a venting of good news or bad. It is the place for all those who only want good fun and friendly people. It will not be the place for heavy debates and arguments. Thank god for that.

And most important point of all......I MISS MY FOOTY ALREADY. :(
Doesn't March 2004 seem like such a LONG LONG time away? :roll:


Why don't you tell them about some of the defammatery crap some of you peeps wrote on the beersquad site that forced them to kill the first forum?

The Truth

PK & MP, I am glad you sooks have left the PI site, you both wouldn't know what a Football looks like, all you talk about is Ryan's Jocks.

The BS site deserves you both. I bet Scotties glad he's got away from you two losers.

Get real. No one want to read your garbage on any site.


mightypanther said:
And most important point of all......I MISS MY FOOTY ALREADY. :(
Doesn't March 2004 seem like such a LONG LONG time away? :roll:

yeah same here

the year went so bloody fast when it was footy season, now its dragging along, probably because of that slow paced "game"that is on at the moment


First Grade
Ahhh love, isn't it grand! :lol:

I cannot get into the union or cricket. Lucky for me i got Sundays at the Beach to look forward to now until the footy season starts up again. Thank god for Life Saving!!! ;-)

Time flys when you are having fun and we definately enjoyed the last season.


Hi Lewis,

you wouldn't be talking about that boring old game that's clogging up
channel 7 day and night, by any chance? :roll: :lol:

2003 sure whizzed by, and I can't wait till next season to see the guys
show everyone that they are not one trophy wonders, and that a new
era really has begun for the mighty Penrith Panthers.


Single mum, unemployed with any number of kids. No moula, no future. You'd reckon you'd have better things to do than to bad mouth decent people on this site (now that you have been barred from one site apparently and gagged on a second).

Get a life (or at least a job).


First Grade
So we have 3 definate NO's for the PI Get Togethers. Anyone else interested?.....or not! ;-)

Caged Panther

First Grade
I'm not sure whether being the premiers is making the off season seem longer and shorter.

I do know however that there is alot less daydreaming and discussion about next year, still do busy basking in the glory of last year :D :lol:


mightypanther said:
Hi Lewis,

you wouldn't be talking about that boring old game that's clogging up
channel 7 day and night, by any chance? :roll: :lol:

hmmmmm how did ya guess :lol:


First Grade
I watched my best mate die of Cancer earlier this year, and you guys are worried about crap like this. Fair dinkum, bury the hatchet and get on with your lives. Life is too short to spend it worrying about garbage like this. Enjoy the football. Enjoy watching the Mighty Panthers winning and lighten up on the politics. :?


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A couple of posts here were deleted due to a breach in the rules of the site guidlines for members>

Members are asked to hold their discussions in a rational and mature manner. Any posts which abuse membership privileges will be deleted.
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I believe that NO WOMAN should deserve to be called what i deleted.[/quote]
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