Hey don't I get 3points for picking the margin.
I was sitting on Free (3) points before....
This competition has the Hartleys written all over it.
I demand a recount yuh count.
Or do you only get 2 points for picking the right margin..... but you are still a count
Thank you for your query.
It's simple mass.
So no need for mass debating in this thread.
But you are welcome to do whatever you wishes in the privacy of ye own home.
But put on the kettle Beryl and settle.
And listen to a youngen.
1pt for picking the winning team.
1pt for then picking the correct margin of that winning team.
The Math that I learned at skool.
States that 1 + 1 = 2
So I don't know where you got the extra point from.
Maybe you were looking for some pensioner loading?
Well I think that's just a load of bullshyte.
You ain't gettin any handouts from me.
Go and ask JuLIAR for somethink.
And she'll give ya another tax for your troubles!!
Hope that explains it.