Afl fanboy
He is right about some things as much as it may make us cringe.
He overstates the Perth thing for sure but he is right about Brisbane and Melbourne being a lot bigger and more watched than the regional clubs.
Afl fanboy
But is a turdHe is right about some things as much as it may make us cringe.
He overstates the Perth thing for sure but he is right about Brisbane and Melbourne being a lot bigger and more watched than the regional clubs.
Keep crying batch - ok sure
So your evidence of a competition ignoring the 20th or so biggest area in their country is refuting my point. Ok sure.
It’s not my fault you can’t find evidence for your ‘opinion’. You should think logically instead of emotionally - it is better for you.
It’s debatable whether it’s interesting but it is interminable!Anyway, while this is an interesting but interminable argument, it is probably irrelevant. V’Landys statement suggests the fix is in. The next team will be PNG
Tv just paid $550mill for a 5 metro sport. Sure they don’t want perth and Adelaide lol
reality is clubs like melbourne and brisbane are the most watched clubs on tv, whilst clubs Ike nz, canberra and Newcastle rate lowest.
Or he’s just paying lip service to aus govt and trying to put a bit more pressure on the WA govt to stump up something big? One cant know for sure.Anyway, while this is an interesting but interminable argument, it is probably irrelevant. V’Landys statement suggests the fix is in. The next team will be PNG
Fta paid nothing for the dolphins. thats how important another brisbane club was to them!You're just making an assumption which is wrong because tv already indicated they wanted extra team in Brisbane & were indifferent to Perth team. Demo is more important than metro spread. Ask wookie if u aren't afraid
Fta paid nothing for the dolphins. thats how important another brisbane club was to them!
5 metro reach $550mill
3 metro reach and nz $402mill
the numbers don’t lie
U moved goal posts after I showed u plenty of big leagues don't have teams in all large markets
Give the poor bugger a break. He’s had a bad day.That's just ur ill informed take. To think 6k watching in Perth will make up 150 million is pretty dumb
Full metro reach is a key factor, how big a factor? well we will see I guess one way or the other.That's just ur ill informed take. To think 6k watching in Perth will make up 150 million is pretty dumb
You're just making an assumption which is wrong because tv already indicated they wanted extra team in Brisbane
No I didn’t. You just can’t read. I clearly said biggest metro markets in their country.
This is actually the initial post which started all this
Of course location isn’t important. It just goes against every idea of capitalism, marketing or business.
On that, I wonder if you can name any other sporting competition in the world that choose to put nearly 3/4’s of their competition in two parts of the country or choose to ignore the 4th and 5th biggest areas in their country. I’ll wait for your reply.
Obviously you are baiting and yes that person is very negative but even you can’t believe the s*** you sprout.
You have continually failed to answer the questions in the second paragraph - mainly because you can’t answer them.
The best you can come up with is American competitions not putting a team in the 20th biggest (or thereabouts) area of their country. That doesn’t count as one of their biggest metro markets does it? It is definitely not the 4th or 5th biggest areas of their country.
Full metro reach is a key factor, how big a factor? well we will see I guess one way or the other.
ps how much did ch9 pay for brisbane2?
How much?So important TV said we want bris2 first lol
How much?
Ch9. Zero, nothing, naDa, zilch.A lot
Seems overly obtuse, but you just want a specific answer & ignore all the big markets the NBA, NFL, NHL etc have no representation.
Interesting the FIFA world cup with emphasis on world didn't feature teams from China & india. 40% of world's population right there. Must be an invalid competition in ur mind?!
Ch9. Zero, nothing, naDa, zilch.
that’s how much ch9 wanted brisbane2 lol
Haha. Talk about obtuse with your last example. I’m sure if China and India become better at soccer I’m sure they’ll accept them. If there wasn’t a thing called a qualification process I’m sure they would.
It’s ok to admit when you’re wrong. No competition who wants to earn as much money as they can ignores their biggest markets.