The dross big-buy, discount Cashmere snub symbolizes a deep problem. The trend of spending like a drunk sailor on coke.
WT is starting to resemble George Lucas. Haughty, self-assured, surrounded by yes-men. Focussed on merchandise. Trading off a single hit from years ago. Trashing the past with expensive bells and whistles that do nothing. Replacing great figures with lame duds. Erasing unsung fan favourites and inserting expensive weak additions that no-one rates. Fixating on characters that obviously don't work. Blowing millions on garbage. Blaming everyone else for failure. Obsessed with "realizing a vision". Destroying careers. Producing scripts that nobody can follow. The bits that can be understood, are cringe-inducing. Lots of bright lights, shiny toys, explosions, but no substance. Pimping great performers in stupid roles. Lost the plot completely.