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Possible player retention issues for 2004 & beyond.


First Grade
When the brain packs it in a number of things happen.

You forget things, you support the roosters and you lose control of your bladder. Don't feel bad about it 5150 they have those nappy things now, for middle aged yuppie women that drink too much Champagne at lunchtime at the cafe. ;-)
I don't think increasing the cap is the best way to go. Someone mentioned earlier that they should revisit they method in which concessions are given. I'm more in favor of this as it would allow clubs to retain players developed to 1st grade standards.

Clubs should be able to gain cap concessions for 1st grade players who made their 1st Grade debut at the club. Not much point in concessions after the 10yr rule under the current system. Raising the cap will be a disadvantage to "financially challenged" clubs.


First Grade
I can't believe I'm saying this, but.....Catatonic, you have raised a couple of valid issues, and I believe you are on the right track. There should be concessions under the cap for local juniors who debut at a club and want to play out their career at the same club. Also concessions for players with 10 years + service at a club. Also, if some pretty boy wants to make a couple of extra dollars promoting a product on the side, that's fine, but there should be stringent processes in place to make sure that the club has no connection whatsoever with the company involved.
fibro man said:
I can't believe I'm saying this, but.....Catatonic, you have raised a couple of valid issues, and I believe you are on the right track. There should be concessions under the cap for local juniors who debut at a club and want to play out their career at the same club. Also concessions for players with 10 years + service at a club. Also, if some pretty boy wants to make a couple of extra dollars promoting a product on the side, that's fine, but there should be stringent processes in place to make sure that the club has no connection whatsoever with the company involved.
Thanks Fibro, there's hope for you yet. :D

Seriously though. The concession should also be applicable to all players who make their 1st grade debut at a club. Not just local juniors.

On one side the NRL can argue that the cap in its present state helps lower ranked teams like Souths & Cowboys. But what about teams like the Roosters & Storm? Both teams have little to offer so far as local juniors and rely on feeder clubs. Both teams should be given credit for developing players like Slater, Minichiello, etc... Under the current system both these teams would have to wait 10 years to reap its rewards. By that tme these players may no longer be playing for these teams either through career ending injuries or forced to leave due to Cap restricitions.

Other option, not sure if this is the case, is to allow players from feeder clubs to be ranked as a "local" junior. Not sure why can't a feeder club associate itself with a team from another state and be considered as it's own.

I think increasing the cap will only result in further increased contracts for elite players. I can see a vicious circle forming here. Revising the concessions will provide teams with an incentive to look at developing younger talent rather than channeling funds to existing senior players.

I do agree with Fibro that the NRL should not involve themselves with players personal endorsements. The players should have the right to market their image anyway they see fit. The way I see it, the NRL gains royalties for any products sold with the NRL logo. Players have alot to do with NRL product exposure and probably gets nothing in return from the NRL.

Anyway, its late and I'm too stuffed to read through this to see if makes sense. I'm sure I'll hear about it tomorrow.


Catothingo, I agree with most of what you have said.

Have a look at our juniors coming through our development squad and have a look at how many come from Redcliffe,our feeder club..

I think they should be regarded as our developed juniors. More work by our club needs to be done in that area. Not they don't do anything for them - but what would happen if a development officer was put in place in Redcliffe and paid for by the Club.

Someone like Horse or Arty...how much stronger would the links become?? I would also like to see the junior clubs that Jones gave to Souths come back onboard, but that may yet happen.

Lets face it our boundaries don't allow us much latitude in developing junior clubs.


First Grade
Perhaps some of the clubs that are demographically or geographically disadvantaged should look north, south and west, and recruit and develop players in the country areas of this State.


can't argue with you there - i worte an article on the same theme when Harden went down. Harden has always been strong in rugby league but they pulled out fo first grade this year. With a bit of love and attention they still could have been there. Maybe the state should be zoned for all clubs..

Maroubra Eel

This thread is really hilarious. Does anybody really think the Roosters will lose players because of the salary cap?
I'm sure they will work something out to keep them. They appear to be currently under the cap, and I'm sure they will appear to be under the cap in the future with all the current players and probably a few more as well. :roll:


zzzzzz - another boring old liner - Maroubra could you please come up with facts not fiction..
Maroubra Eel said:
This thread is really hilarious. Does anybody really think the Roosters will lose players because of the salary cap?
I'm sure they will work something out to keep them. They appear to be currently under the cap, and I'm sure they will appear to be under the cap in the future with all the current players and probably a few more as well. :roll:
Yeah your right. We actually still have Bonetti, Mullins, Phillips & Fletch put on a latex suit to look like Flannery, Robinson, Webb & Wellington at game day.


williams, payten, green, oh dear the list just gets bigger.

I guess if we didn't release these players - like Solomano, Widders, Russo Parramatta wouldn't have had a team... :lol: :lol: :lol:

not bad guys 4 out of your 13 run on side came from the Roosters, when do we call you the Roosters 2nd 13??


First Grade
Good idea Ozzie about creating zones in the country areas of the State and allocating them to first grade clubs to even out the spread of talent in the competition.

Seriously, the roosters ( rorters ) must use mirrors or something when the auditors come in to look at the salary cap. There is no way you could keep the players you've got, under 3.25 mill. ( legally )


another uninformed, post and old hat - as i said before ,come up with the goods or take a hike!! Since we don't know what our players contracts are you put them in here because it seems you know more about nothing than most other people...I reckon your 22mm bisceps could handle writing up the contracts.

We will then send them to the Roosters Club so they can have a laugh too...

It's so easy to throw crap - but backing it up is so hard for gooses...and yu have won the goose of the year award. We are awaiting your reply..make my day - give me a laugh.

Now your not allowed to say how much YOU think the players are on but how much they are on..

I bet silence will be golden...


First Grade
I know how much most of the Penrith players are on.

The doctrine of common sense takes over when you look at the Roosters team. It's not hard to work out how much a player is on.

We have had to let quality players like Sattler, Turner, Reynolds and Elford go because we couldn't squeeze them under our cap. We are going to have major problems when blokes like Galavao, Lewis, Rooney and Clinton are up for contract again.

Why don't the Roosters seem to have any trouble retaining all their players and still poach quality young players like Rose from us?


fibro man said:
I know how much most of the Penrith players are on.

The doctrine of common sense takes over when you look at the Roosters team. It's not hard to work out how much a player is on.

We have had to let quality players like Sattler, Turner, Reynolds and Elford go because we couldn't squeeze them under our cap. We are going to have major problems when blokes like Galavao, Lewis, Rooney and Clinton are up for contract again.

Why don't the Roosters seem to have any trouble retaining all their players and still poach quality young players like Rose from us?

Welcome to the world of success Fibro Man, clubs like the Knights, Broncos, Roosters have been struggling with that prob for quite a few years now, you haven't had to worry about it since the early 90's and there wasn't a cap then. You'll lose players just like the clubs I've mentioned have lost players, Just you guys have short term memory loss when it comes to that. Sign up your promising players to lengthy contracts before they become origin/Aust reps. You'll learn. ;-) ;-)


Yes Antonius - its easy to point the finger but hard to prove it - all he has done is proved what a clown he is!!

Again i challenge him put the figures in here- but he can't - how do you spell goose???



First Grade
Fittler, Wing, Ricketson - a mill between them
Fitzgibbon, morley, cayless - 700-800 between them
Minnecello, Heggarty, Finch, Cross - close to a mill between them

Not much room left for the other 15 players subject to the cap.
fibro man said:
Fittler, Wing, Ricketson - a mill between them
Fitzgibbon, morley, cayless - 700-800 between them
Minnecello, Heggarty, Finch, Cross - close to a mill between them

Not much room left for the other 15 players subject to the cap.
Unless I'm mistaken, Ricketson is up for concessions next year. So I can't see how those three would cost a mil, considering Fittler has taken a Pay cut.

But lets just say that you figure is correct. That still leaves around 1 mil to spend on 15 out of the top 25 players we have. Now factor in that Walker is playing for peanuts, who else in the remaind 15 do you think would earn a six figure income?

I think you tend to over estimate the figures. Cant see Mini, Hegarty & Cross earning $250K. Finch may be close but I'm not certain.
NOBODY KNOWS, how much the players are getting, we are still getting guess-tamites from you Fibroman. :roll:

Cat, I thought I read somewhere that Finch got $300,000 for a three year deal. So if that is true, then he's only costing $100,000 a year. Wing I think is on $300,000. Again, I think I read that in a SMH article.

The thing is we got many of these guys into contracts before they played rep. We have dicussed the pros and cons of lengthy contracts previously, and many of our players are under contract until 2005.

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