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Post-game Comments


Yeah yeah I know pepstar but I just felt like making a new topic..

First thing as some other ppl have said, first two difficulty levels are easy. You just bash sprint and run straight through the other team pretty much. You'll start to lose games on the third, and I haven't tried the next two yet.

A couple of things you'll be a bit disappointed at from what I've seen. You should expect to score a try every time you get a scrum. you are missing out on a chance if you don't. I don't think that'll change with higher difficulties either.

The AI won't kick as much as you want on the first 3 levels, I hope it changes on the next two, but I'm not expecting it too much. When they do kick, they seem to want to find touch every time, even if its only 10m ahead of where they kicked it.

But despite those things.. this game rules! Of course its an attacking style game, you'd expect that with a video game, don't expect a game where you are completing sets of 6 and trying to pin down the opposition with long kicks. That doesn't happen that much. Though its not impossible to defend - on third level I lost 1-0 against the panthers in a 5 minute per half game after they scored a droppie after hooter in second half of extra time. So yes, I was defending on my line quite a bit.

It is very easy to offload but you have to really be careful, most of them will go to ground if you just repeatedly hammer it. You have to be quite careful instead of just passing it around like that. You can do hitups with forwards, and they work.

Goalkicking isn't complicated, but it takes a little while to master, you can still miss from right in front if you're not careful.

In game kicking will take a while to get used to. Its easy to get caught with the ball trying to get a kick away. I have no idea how to get bombs working yet, but grubbers are good and them and long kicks are easy to line up (but u just have to be quick.) It doesn't always (much?) go to the kickers when you pass it unless you actually know where they are, but everyone seems to be able to kick ok. I kicked a field goal with guttenbeil :D

Tackling is great. Lots of tackling animations. You really have to use the aggressive tackle very minimally, it will usually result in a bad tackle. Using the aggression / sprint button going into a tackle works better, though you can't go too fast or you may run straight past the guy with the ball before you know it, he's sidestepped you.

Sidesteps, fends, dummies all look great. Sidesteps are similar to Jonah Lomu Rugby the sort of slide but they all actually look real, unlike some games, and do fool the opposition. The commentator talks about them too.

Speaking of commentary, the best thing is that the commentary basically is non-stop. As said before, he says 2 or 3 things about each try and stuff like that, no long pauses. Of course he will occasionally repeat stuff, but there are a lot of phrases in there so you won't notice much.

The ingoal area - it is easy to get held up. Basically if your in the ingoal and a guy is close enough to tackle you, you will get held up. You really have to dive in for the try as early as possible. Make sure you aren't too close to diving out either, that will happen too.

Hmm can't think of anything else to say - haven't tried any of the customisation yet, so can't say anything about that.


Ah thought of more things.

Sinbins do happen a lot of the time. Almost every high tackle or spear tackle will be sinbinned. However, if you play on 5 minute halves they are on almost instantly, so it doesn't matter much.

Penalties - kicking out for touch. This is a bit annoying. You can get huge gains by just aiming to kick the ball out on the bounce, the opposition are basically unable to move for ages just letting the ball bounce slowly out to touch.


Post Whore
you didnt mention not Ben "the boss" Cross and Matt Gafa- the 350 point man! in the raiders team as negitives

hey MMM can you have a dig at the higher levels and see if they kick more and the scrum flaw are there?



ppl who played the game have brought up how easy it is to score but the thing is as in other sport games you have a shitload more fun (by ur self or with a mate) if there are more try scored. for exammple we owned a soccer game and u have heaps more fun if the game is 4-2 compared to 1-0 I think that as long as it isn't out of proportion it is a bonus for the game


Good point Keckdiddy, also... alot of kids are going to be playing it and if it's just too hard even on the easiest levels then they just won't want to play it. So I'm sure Sidhe took this into consideration aswell as it must appeal to all ages.


I agree totally.. I expected the easiest levels to be easy, thats why I was so excited to be losing with still two more levels to get good at.
one question i couldn't seem to get my players to have many hitups in one season, i had like 12 hitups when i was trying to do hitups basically all season.


Great game but a few things could make it better.When creating a player you cant assign his position.I created the 95 Bulldogs team and Rod Silva was on the wing and Darren Britt at Lock.Also i havent figured out how to use the interchange.I press escape but the interchange wont work.


TripleM said:
I agree totally.. I expected the easiest levels to be easy, thats why I was so excited to be losing with still two more levels to get good at.

How could you lose? I won the grand final on Reserve Grade, 74-0... and the goal kicking sucks balls... why do you kick from 20 out on every kick... and the system is dodgy, and changes all the time. The same timing can do totally different things.


Reserve grade is simple.. I was talking about seasoned, maybe you forgot about including the unlockable difficulty in the "two still to go"?


when i opened the game and started playing on the easiest difficulty i thought the game was mildly above avrage but after getting better at th game i reached the legend difficulty and the game becomes awsome and complete. Legend makes the game more "Rugby League" like. I don't think you can judge this game until u have played it on the higher difficultys


just one thing.. i went to the trouble of making the game with the 2004 for rosters, so as you could imagine it took me forever working out who to cut who to move for EVERY NRL side..

Well when i came to play the game (Tigers rnd 1) they did not have prince, hodgson, graham etc. playing for them...

When you custom the side the 17 which are 1st chosen are the ones picked, so John Skandalis was playing 1/2 back because of the players that had been cut ahead of him

Has anyone else found this problem or been able to fix it?

Its OK for me because i can change saints side, but when im playing other team like Nathan Cayless was 5/8 for the Eels and players like Stapelton couldn't get picked for them


A few things I've noticed are the passes from dummy half seem to cut out the closest man quite a lot, and also, sometimes the whole team is flat footed, and take ages to get moving. Other than that, it's pretty cool.


Yeah I've had the same problem with the teams figured it out rather quickly so all I've done so far is make the Eels 2004 team and the required changes to other teams eg: Hodgson/Richards in the Tigers and then some major other signings like Vagana to Sharks but left the rest when I get more time I'll make each team perfect for 2004.


The goal kicking system should be totally changed for the next version, this one is shithouse. Apart from that great game!


i have to agree with KingLing. The goal kicking system should be in my opinion similar to the field goal kicking in madden, where you can select the height of the kick and you have a meter similar to one in a golf game. Rugby 2004's goal kicking was ok, and i think in 2001 you could add hook to the kick.


Maybe in the sequel you will be able to hook the kicks both ways to do some ultra cool banana style kicks as well as just hooking the ball in.


I've already finished my first season playing as Parramatta with 20 minute games. I lost the grand final to the Bulldogs - not happy.

These faults I find particularly annoying:

-Take a penalty kick for touch after the siren and the half/game ends. How could they get that wrong?

- Running from the base of the scrum within 30m of the line almost always results in a try. Bit of play testing please.

-Hit ups don't get counted. How the hell could that happen?

-Scores even with a few seconds to go. What does the computer do when they get a penalty within easy kicking range. Take the tap of course

-The forward passes are a joke. Apart from there being too many, almost all of them aren't forward anyway, as the replay clearly shows.

-Can't replay anything other than tries and even then, they aren't long enough. Score a length of the field try with the ball going through 30 sets of hands and all you'll see is is the guy running for the line at the end. Sometimes you'll see the last pass. Very very bad.

-Score an amazing try in extra time and no replay.

-Go to edit your rosters after a season ends and guess what? You are told you have to delete your saved game from the previous season because that season i referencing it. So if you're hoping to keep your end of season stats on record - think again. That's unbelievably shoddy.

-Sign a player to a certain team and they aren't removed from the team you signed them from.

-If the computer kicks off towards the sideline, your players will just let it bounce out. Almost fatal flaw that has cost me more than one game, including the grand final. Happened four times in one game. Pathetic.

-Players standing still when they should be running onto the ball. Always happens at crucial times. I've tried everything to avoid it.

-Knock-backs are counted as knock-ons if you happen to be facing backwards when you knock it backwards.

-On the 5th tackle, if you are close to the line the wingers will actually stand back on the dead ball line waiting for a kick, so you can just score in front of them.

-Knock-on after the full time siren and they'll still form the scrum. That's wrong, but making it even more comical is the fact that if you knock it on again after that scrum, they''ll form another scrum. Technically the game could go on forever.

-The way stats are viewed is really really poor. You can't just view your individual stats for the whole team. Round by round you can, but if you want to look at your season total stats, you have to cycle through every player in the league and stupidly enough, they're listed alphabetically by their first name.

-If one of your players runs across field to pick up a loose ball near the siddeline, he'll just run straight out without you doing anything. Same happens at dead ball line.

-Way too many offloads, if these were much more limited, the game woud be 10 times better. To be honest, I think it's the biggest flaw in the game. You can offload in almost every tackle. So good defence isn't rewarded.

-Player ratings are dead wrong. I've only looked at Parramatta, but I ended up dropping Jamie Lyon and Nathan Hindmarsh because they're ratings are crap. Shame they're our best two players in real life. Nathan Hindmarsh is our fittest player in real life, one of the fittest in the league, but here he's rated 4/10. One of Jamie Lyons tradeemarks is his offloading ability, shame he's only rated 5/10 here. James Webster is our worst defender in real life, yet is rated 9/10 for tackling. Matt Peterson is apparently our best player now.

-Putting the ball down for a try is massively flawed. For one thing, if you're close to the deadball line and you press the button to put the ball down, you'll just dive over the deadball line. Why doesn't he just place it. Even worse is diving for a try in the corner. Run at a diagonal to the corner and you'll often just dive from the field of play, completely miss the ingoal area and place the ball out. How that sort of thing made it into the final game I don't know. Not to mention that if you tackle an opponent in goal and they break your tackle, they'll still often just dive dead because they've run too far.

-Short passes, long passes, who knows? I tap the trigger and it throws a cut out pass. I tap the trigger and it throws a short pass. I like surprises, but not this type.

-Jerky goal kicking meter. I've never seen this sort of thing in a game before.

I could go on, but I won't, I still enjoy the game quite a bit, but sometimes I just want to smash the s@#t out of it. It has the potential to be great, but it isn't even close yet.

I just just wish I was a play tester for Sidhe. It seems like a bit of a bludge - a real snoozefest. It's probably the most heavily flawed game I've played on the Xbox so far. It really shouldn't be retailing for $100, it is more like a budget PC game that you'd buy for $50 on release. The presentation is completely lacking and it's just incredibly unpolished in almost every way. I know Sidhe are a small company and this is their first atempt at a league game, but it still doesn't excuse the games flaws. I know I've never paid $100 for a game this cheap feeling before.

I like it because it's a league game and it does do some things right, but it doesn't do anything truly great and does a lot of things really badly, things that just shouldn't be there.

Well I'm going to go and play some more.

Oh yeah ,it also pisses me off that State Of Origin and Test matches are unlockables when they should just be standard features. Give me a break, the game doesn't even have consecutive seasons, yet they expect that we should have to unlock these standard features. It's lacking in options as it is. PFFFFFFFFT.