I'll get the ball rolling:
I wouldn't really consider myself much of a power lifter but I do take some interest in it and incorporate the 3 lifts into a more body building focused workout regime.
I currently do the big 3 once a week 5x5, but my numbers aren't too high:
Bench= ~85kg (Has been higher in the past, but I failed to maintain it)
Squat= 80kg for now, but with a lot of room for improvement as I have not been squatting consistently
Dead lift = 120kg but has been somewhat hampered by back pains which I am now (hopefully) beginning to overcome for good.
I'm not entirely fussed about my numbers, but would obviously always like to improve.
As for artciles: I've been trying to find an article I read a while back that explains what type of deadlift you should do based on body type (sumo vs. conventional) that had a calculator and everything in it but can't find it. I tried both, but now I stick to conventional, simply because i'm fairly certain that sumo was worse for my back. If anyone's got any decent articles on the difference between the two types of lifts then post it!
For now though, here is a pretty interesting article about an ex-powerlifter who used to train the soviet special forces: