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President Trump. Year of the underdog powering on.


How bad is the butt hurt & outrage in Australia!!! So funny.
Are you referring to the $35 billion AUD wiped off the stock exchange today?

f**ken panicky kaarnts have a meltdown over the inevitable - just like the Brexit nothing, that also pulled their bowel out through their colon.......oh but wait.......in two days time......it really isn't as bad as we squealed it would be.

Boson, please tuck my large intestine back into my colon fine sir. Twasnt 1 millionth as life shattering as one thought.

f**ken eeeeeeeeedierts.


Are you referring to the $35 billion AUD wiped off the stock exchange today?

f**ken panicky kaarnts have a meltdown over the inevitable - just like the Brexit nothing, that also pulled their bowel out through their colon.......oh but wait.......in two days time......it really isn't as bad as we squealed it would be.

Boson, please tuck my large intestine back into my colon fine sir. Twasnt 1 millionth as life shattering as one thought.

f**ken eeeeeeeeedierts.
If you're right there's a few bob to be made.


I will be affected with my Super with the result ,but like shares they go up and they go down, whether there is Brexit or an Earthquake or Janet Jackson has a top malfunction.I live with its I did with the GFC.
In fact Trump offers an alternative ,yes he appears a loose canon, but getting the top job you have advisers to advise and tone you down.
.The last mob in power(8 years) great on oratory ,ignored the blue collar ,tradies,,the unemployed and sucked up to the power mob in Wall Street and DC.Plus the TV stations over there (some are almost to the left of Lenin),are crying in their slops.

They predicted Hillary was a lay down to get the job, with the help of all those superstar musicians(who would know as much about politics as I do Moose hunting, plus the Obama family backing them day after day, they lost.

The man and even woman in the street by a majority gave the one fingered salute to cronyism and ignorance of a fair % of the populace.Also to TV stations who pushed for one side.

If he doesn't perform he gets flicked, that's democracy.All the drama queens suggesting the sky will fall in, should get into acting.

Two candidates one who felt entitlement because her partner was a former Pres,and she had all the answers, and dodgy with her Foundation expenditure.The other who was a business man and anti Wall St elite, who is/was sexist, at least offered another way, to the current way which wasn't working.

BTW my American aunt was a staunch Democrat.


with the help of all those superstar musicians(who would know as much about politics as I do Moose hunting, plus the Obama family backing them day after day, they lost.

How much of a f**ken stoopid bunch of losers do these "entertainers" look now? How much money did they take from the US taxpayers, courtesy of a free hand out from the Clinton campaign machine?

They mart baye perty slow lark over theyar but they saw straight through the stack-the-showbiz pretenders around her to make her look appealing. Trump had no-one but himself & his vacuous trophy wife up there. Even plagiarising Michelle Obama didn't hurt them.

First photo opportunitiy he has with Kim Jon & Vlad will be a hoot.




Windy I've heard they have started one on the Canadian side of the border too.
As if you would vote for a woman who stayed with an unfaithful husband.
I said to the missus last night, how do you expect someone to look after a country when she didn't even know what was going on in her own home, or at least she knew and chose to ignore it.
But i digress, i am very far from a follower of politics and definitely closer to being a far left commie than a far right neo nazi. its easy to say now that Trump just ran a way better campaign, clichéd it out and won the hearts of middle America.
Democrats now surely realise that Bernie was the better chance .

Alsoplustoo, i heavily suspect that the "Agencies" would've preferred an easier target to manipulate in Hillary compared to a rogue Trump.
Last edited:


Heading to the U S to start a wall building company. Should do well.

Ay caramba muchacho. You build a wall ,then we respond accordingly ,no more tacos, nachos,burritos,chorizos.
No senioritas,tequilas or Coronas.
You will be cactus.We have bandidos.
$1 investment last november on the underdogs

Leicester City app 5000-1
Western Bulldogs app 12-1
Cronulla Sharks app 12-1
Chicago Cubs app 15-1
Donald Trump app 150-1

All up there never work again


How bad is the butt hurt & outrage in Australia!!! So funny.
Oh yeah, absolutely hilarious Reefy ... you're as ignorant as the angry mobs in the Rust Belt states who think Trump is going to get their manufacturing jobs back. You are completely deluded if you think Trump's victory is a good thing for Australia.

This pretty much sums it up :
The final and overarching fear, though, is for the world. Mr Trump’s win means uncertainty about America’s future strategy in a world that has long relied on the United States for stability. But Mr Trump’s capacity to destabilise is almost limitless. His military, diplomatic, security, environmental and trade policies all have the capacity to change the world for the worse. Americans have done a very dangerous thing this week. Because of what they have done we all face dark, uncertain and fearful times.



Oh the tears of the left. They love democracy until it doesn't go their own way. Then it's fire, protests and looting to prove a point.

Hail Trump.

